How Many Of You Remember THIS Song...

by titch 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • titch

    And...actually enjoyed it, although you weren't SUPPOSED to enjoy it? The song that I'm referring to, I found it on Youtube last night. It was "Oh Happy Day" by the Edwin Hawkins Singers, and it came out in May or June of 1969. I remember that it hit the pop charts way back then, and radio stations in Southern California---like KHJ and KFWB---were giving it air time. I heard it several times, and enjoyed listening to it. Although, back then, when I was involved with the Witnesses, you weren't supposed to like it, because it had those "worldy religious overtones" to it. But, I still "secretly" liked the rhythm and musical arrrangement of that song. So, how many of you remember that song from 1969, and if you were associating with the JWs back then, had a kind of "secret" liking of it?


  • Watkins

    I wasn't raised a jw, but I do remember that song when I was a kid. What was the wt's objection? Wondering if it was because of the lyrics about Jesus washing my sins away... the reason for the 'oh, Happy Day'?

    They really don't want anyone to make a connection with Jesus, do they. And they certainly don't want anyone to be happy about it... just doom, gloom and destruction... maybe you'll be saved... IF you get enough time in and stick close to mother org. Small wonder wt produces such depression in its 'happyfied' people.

  • LisaRose

    I remember it, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it at the time. I couldn't't understand why any religious song would be wrong if it didn't have lyrics in conflict with the JW beliefs. But I was never a really strict dub, not in my nature.

  • BluesBrother

    I remember it ... I liked it then and I have always enjoyed traditional sounding black gospel music. I was a regular dub. I went on to be a M/S and an elder and still enjoyed it without any conscience....What was the big deal?

  • wasblind

    Yes I rember well, My mom bought that record

    I also loved the song " Spirit in the Sky " , It hada catchy beat

    One of my younger sisters used to always jump up and sing along

    to the song that had the lyrics that went

    " We got the green alligator and the long necked geese

    the humpty back camel and the chimpanzie "

    The song was about animals on Noah's ark

    great memories

  • wasblind

    Paul Simons version of " Loves me like a rock "

    Edit : Backed up By a southern gospel group call the Dixie hummingbirds

  • ShirleyW

    I remember Oh Happy Day, but I don't remember hearing anything about JDubs not being able to listen to it,

  • straightshooter

    I remember that song, but that was before I was a jw. Didn't know that there was anything wrong with this song.

  • sarahsmile

    Good music back in the days.

    Funny because we could care less. We thought nothing about it. I remember singing Let It Be Be around the house.And getting in trouble for singing Gypsy Tramps and Thieves. I did not understand the lyrics like these kids today!

  • Phizzy

    George Harrison's "My Sweet Lord" was also a favourite of mine, it gets stuck in your head, what is called an "Ear-worm", so don't sing it to yourself even if you are not prepared for that !

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