Notes in the margins of the July 15 2013 WT magazine. yours and mine.

by prologos 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • prologos

    Part of my healthy and longstanding scepticism about wt claims /teachings stems from my habit to immediately scan the newly arrived mags for novelty. at source.

    While the meeting drones on, usually within minutes, "gems" are marked and shown in the MARGINS "kindly" left for that purpose/ possibility.

    This 7/15/2013 magazines is one of a kind, this marking will take longer, but here is a start:

    On page 25, paragraph 19, but 18 and 20 too, -- the extraordinary claim/possibility is suggested, that

    the 8 of the GB,- since they are

    THE ONLY ONES of the 144 000 that ARE the FAITHFUL & DISCREET SLAVE, may have prominence over the rest of all of the "anointed" that ever lived,

    at LEAST ON PAR with the original 11 faithfull APOSTLES. and

    since THEIR pending rapture makes the Number 144 000 complete, triggers the appointing of all of them over all the belongings. WOW !!!

    but: are the 8 anticipating to be definitely "executed with the ax", as the apostles and the rest of the co-rulers of Christ are reported to be (Rev.20:4) ??? there are some, unlike me, of this forum that seem to be ready to oblige?

    Are the 8 perhaps then ready to re-write part of the bible by including the names of the final 8 into the names of the foundations of the NEW CITY, the bride of Christ Rev.21:14 ?? making it a nice round 20 foundation stones? -- or better be the CAP stones?

    the eight names surely above the apostle's, because these fore runners were not even part of the now all important FDS !!

    we are glad there is always margins for (their) errors. to follow--

    what have YOU marked for comment? question?

  • label licker
    label licker

    Yeah but the names are already on the foundation. It doesn't say that these boobheads would be added to that foundation. Idiots! Show me in the bible where it says that they would be ADDED! Mind you Mark Sanderson would make a lovely humpty dumpty who fell off the wall:)


    So let's think here... Who is left? Who is the most likely to kick the bucket? If the current GB don't die a martyr's death, then what? Let's say that only Sanderson is alive in ten years, will they just keep adding GB members? We already know they can drag this thing out forever with the overlapping generations idea. Would they attempt a Kool-Aid convention?

    I do agree with you, the current GB have placed themselves above everyone in all of human history. They are even more spiritually aware than Jesus closest disciples. Jesus told Peter, " Feed my sheep." According to the GB, even Peter was not an FDS. Neither was Paul who specifically wrote to all Christians about the Stewardship that they held in common.

    So, the GB are right, and the Word of God is wrong. Have they truly set themselves up as a collective GOD above all others, aka, the man of lawlessnes?

  • prologos

    notes in margin NR. 2 :

    The wt writers of 7/15 are obviously not in a popularity contest, alienating the majority of JWs , the ladies, by the text on page 22, par.9 to quote:

    "--humble sisters who would never TRY to assume the role of teachers in the congregation" --[let alone at headquarters]. citing

    I Cor 11:34 "-- as in ALL the congregations of the holy ones, let the women keep silent, for it is not permitted for them to speak--.

    context 35: -"- for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the congregation--".

    with stuff like that written by Paul, who was "spirit directed", no wonder they do not want him as part of th F&DS.

    but we have no qualms about such humble sisters getting their hands on the Universe's controls after their pre-Armageddon rapture.

    better they than ambition personified.

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