"You Are Expected to Believe As We Do&quot...

by stevieb1 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT


    Just a suggestion, unless you mind getting DFed i would highly recommend that you accept the cousel of the elders- so that they can get off your back-

    the most IMPORTANT thing in my view that you and others like you need to understand is THERE IS NO ARGUING WITH THE ELDERS AND WINNING


    being that is a fact you need to approach it from a different angle and that is what the net can help you do.. you must first decide what you want to do as far as being a jw is concerned

    YO WILL NOT BE ALLOWED AT THIS POINT TO HOLD YOUR VIEWS, esp since you have indicated that you have apostate literature.

    you need to plan how to exist wt

    there are a number of things you need to put in place BEFORE YOU LEAVE

    1. Start to build friends outside of wt this is the most important, FOR YOU WILL LOSE YOUR WT "SUPPORT SYSTEM" AS Soon as it is annonced that you are dfed-

    loneness is the biggest issue that former jw have- so many did not leave the correct way and they pay for it with unneccesary pain and suffering IN ADDITION to what you have to deal with anyway.

    email some of us privately and allow us to call you or you call us-


    So don't mess around and get run over by wt and so many former jw do

    the Net "THANG" can help you but you got to listen to those of use who have BEEN THERE DONE THAT AND GOT HURT DOING IT- smile

    at this point you need to seek a peacefull end to the elders-DO NOT CHALLENGE THEM unless you are prepared to pay the price

    if you are then cash your chips

    but if not due to family, and kids, wife, etc

    then "Plan your work" and then "Work your plan"

    here is a link where we dealt with this issue




  • happy man
    happy man

    this was the best post I ever read on this site, thanks man,i think we twinn souls, if you understand what i mean

  • SEAKEN2001


    what do you want? That's the crux of it. But whatever you decide to do will have consequences. That's the unfortunate reality of having been involved with a cult religion. If you want to justify your beliefs and prove to the JW's that they are in error you have a long road to walk. If all you want is to be able to remain a JW but just not a believer that will depend on how these guys react to your questioning and how they see your motives.

    If you want to stay in you should immediately take the position of "weak" and assure them that you are trying to get honest answers to your doubts. Ask for their help but tell them that you are aware that Jehovah will answer your questions in time. DO NOT admit to them that you question the F&DS or the Organization. If they ask that just say something like "I'm trying hard to keep that in focus and just wait on Jehovah. Just give me a little time, I'll be fine". Then drop it. Go to some meetings and keep quiet. Then you can drift away or keep involved as a "weak" brother, as long as you stay silent.

    If you want to make your exit then keep talking to these guys and handing them your copies of "apostate" literature. They will DF you as soon as they can convene a committee.

    Troubled's comments were fairly good. I disagree with the oft repeated grouping of all Ex-JW's together as if they had some common agenda. That is not the case. I can assure you I am much happier now that I am not a JW. But some people are much happier in a controlled group like the JW's. That may be you. If so, be careful what you say and who you say it to. If you want to think and say what you want then the world is the place for you. There are many fantastic people in the world and if you are the type of person who likes to learn and experience life this is a great place to do it. Again, what do you want?

    (For those Christians here who don't understand - "world" refers to ANYONE not a JW. To a JW being out of the Org is to go back to the "world". There is no "Christian" verses the world outside of the Org. All you Christians are in the "world" along with everyone else and are soon to be destroyed)

    JW's will not allow you to entertain that question. Their goal is to control what people believe and what they do so that they can all survive when God comes and wipes everybody else out. All the rest of this stuff is just immaterial. You're either in or out. There's no "in name only". That would be put on the "out" side of the equation. Any who are not in are gonna be killed very soon now. So make up your mind. Are you in or out?

    I hope you see the rediculousness of that. If you do, I think I know what your choice will be.


  • mustang

    It seems that you can’t or couldn’t do the safest course:

    1) Nod (an affirmative).

    2) Smile.

    3) MOVE!!!!!

    Those worked for me. To those I would add: never talk to or about JW’s again.


    Could you post that one you did on ‘old H2O’ about the JC & “YOU WON’T BE GIVEN A FORUM”? It was a good eye-opener.


  • mustang


    I looked up the old post (JWD) you referenced. That has the essence of what I was referring to from H2O. There was another that I recollect where you said "...NO FORUM...". But that quote has the same material message.

    Someone like you (been there, done that) needs to say that periodically.


  • troubled

    Back to top to make sure Stevieb1 sees it.

    Also, a reconsideration of the "Amen" question. I had originally said go ahead and say "Amen," as no one can stop you and even visitors to the Hall who are not JW often do so.

    However, I have reconsidered this. And I think I need to take back what I said and explain why.

    An "Amen" said to a prayer is an agreement/endorsement of the thoughts spoken by the person who gives the prayer. You said there were some teachings you couldn't preach or agree to. If the person who gives the prayer expresses those thoughts/teachings you don't believe, then it wouldn't be appropriate to say "Amen" to it. That's probably what they tried to explain to you.

    I think you have misinterpreted the situation. The point is not that the JWs "won't allow you to say Amen," but rather, if you don't agree with the prayer's content, it is pointless to say "Amen" to it. It would be agreeing with something you have said you don't agree with.

  • ozziepost
    The goal is unity of belief.

    Just a clarification, if I may.

    Their aim is not so much unity as conformity.

    We know, too, that uniformity is the mark of a cult.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • troubled


    Being considered a "cult" by others doesn't necessarily mean a religion is wrong. In the Art History class I am taking, it is clear that early Christians were considered a "cult" religion by many. They were clearly "in the minority," compared to the practicing Jews and pagan religions of Greece and Rome. Since we are to follow in Christ's footsteps, to be similarly labeled is not necessarily a bad thing.

    Also, Jesus followers were expected to "conform" to the new teachings he was introducing (such as the acceptability of men of the 'nations' who would embrace his message and the value of the ransom).

    Unity too was expected. For example, counsel in Revelation directed to the seven congregations addressed a lack of unity as one of the problems that had arisen and needed correction.

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