"Pride Goeth Before Destruction"

by Scorpion 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyes_opened

    Hey if she is wen, we'll get her to pioneer status in no time!

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • Scorpion


    Jesus did not make an ass out of himself like Rutherford did.

    Why are you comparing what Jesus spoke about with Rutherford? There is absolutely no comparison.

    Jesus did not deceive others with empty words and predictions.

    "It is to be expected that Satan will try to inject into the minds of the consecrated the thought that 1925 should see an end of the work, and that therefore it would be needless for them to do more." WT 9/1/1925,p.262

    It was Rutherford that injected into the minds of those that believed him about 1925. Rutherford must be Satan according to the WT.

    Do you serve Satan Danielle? You surely defend him!

  • mommy

    Thank you I am wiping the tears from my eyes as we speak. Secondly I could tell you what I stand for, but you are not worth it! The quote from the Watchtower has NO bearing on my life and doesn't even describe me! If you could just open your eyes(maybe eyesopened could help) you would realize I don't care what the wtbts view is on woman. I know what their view is. I lived their view, I left their view(Did I get "their" right LDH?)
    Maybe you could print out this stuff for the elders too. Then they will know you are not making it up! Yes that sounds like a good idea, print it up and show them more from the cong need to come in and preach to us.
    BTW I have NEVER had an abortion, I have two beautiful children to prove it:)

  • larc


    Did you ever read any of Rutherford's books? There is a lot of foolishness in them. He mad an ass of himself in more ways than one!

  • eyes_opened

    Amen wendy! And your grammar was perfect

    And wow Danielle if you are indeed for real I stand in awe of your..er...um...ability to find appropriate quotes from the Watchtower library CD in 10 seconds flat or less! Cut! Paste! Draw!

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • Scorpion


    Maybe you could post a little more information about how old booze guzzler Rutherford made an ass of himself. I am sure Danielle will be happy if you did.

    Here's a qoute for the Satan inspired Rutherford defenders to live by:

    "The year 1925 is a date definetly and clearly marked in the Scriptures, even more clearly than that of 1914." WT 7/15/1924.p.211

  • mommy

    She is probably the smarty pants that gets to the scripture first in the KH too:)

  • eyes_opened

    ROFLMAO!!!! Yup

    everyone knows I was just bein' a wiseguy about that right?

    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

  • Scorpion


    I am sure Jesus the heavenly Field Marshal will enjoy Rutherfords 1925 joke a lot more.

  • eyes_opened

    Well you are just a barrel of laughs aren't ya!

    And BTW, you may have a Watchtower CD, but your terminology is not like any witness I have known, and I have been around JWS all my life, being raised and baptised as a JW <not that I'm proud of this fact mind you> Things you have said...Such as "Marking my card"? I always heard them referred to as "time slips" and we counted time. Also we didn't call people "heathens" but worldy people. And "Our heavenly field marshall Jesus"? Jehovahs Witnesses would stress Jehovahs Day. I'm sorry but too much of what you say makes NO sense in terms of JW phrasology. of course things may vary somewhat from country to country, and if I'm wrong maybe some one could let me know?


    "One Persons Heresy Is Anothers Truth"

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