With the July 15 WT approaching, would this be the ideal opportunity to start an ACTIVELY VOCAL fade?

by Captain Blithering 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • sspo

    Just tell everyone that you need some time out to figure out Jehovah and how he dispenses "new light' and why?.

    Why so many changes?

    Sorry but i have to say that there is no easy way out when you're sorrounded my JW family and friend but it's not easy to stay in once you realize it's a bunch of lies.

    Wish you the best

  • FadeToBlack

    I am going to use it big time! My situation is a bit different though because only my wife is still in. I have NO family in the 'truth'. So, why am I even still pretending? My wife will be shocked to see my WT so well studied (marked up). I will ask her point blank if what was covered makes any sense at all after each study. Can't wait to see Blondie's pre-study notes and all the comments here.

    I don't do service now and rarely go to a meeting. After we finish that study wt, I am done. I'm not sure I can even make it thru the whole thing without standing up and shouting: this is all nonsense. I'm outta here!

  • AnnOMaly

    Nice quote from 1971, Newly Enlightened. I might add it to my collection.

    The other one about what 'dissenters' had thought is this one:

    w81 3/1 pp. 24-26 Do You Appreciate the "Faithful and Discreet Slave"?

    Witnesses of Jehovah understand that the "slave" is comprised of all anointed Christians as a group on earth at any given time during the 19 centuries since Pentecost. Accordingly, the "domestics" are these followers of Christ as individuals.

    Some readers may feel that this is a rather sectarian view of matters. Or they may object to the idea that the "slave" and the "domestics" represent the same class, one as a composite body and the other as individuals. The objectors may argue that not all of Christ's anointed disciples have a share in preparing the spiritual food, so that perhaps the "slave" pictures only the leading ones, and the "domestics" those they serve in the congregation.

    There is no point in trying to force an interpretation of the parable. Self-deception is of no benefit and is spiritually damaging. Therefore, we must look to the Scriptures for an understanding. In doing this, what do we find? ...

    [ ... ]

    Thus we see a clear Scriptural basis for saying that all anointed followers of Christ Jesus make up God's "servant," with Jesus as its Master.

    The NooLiteâ„¢ on the FDS is a gift for faders whether they want to be vocal about it to their nearest and dearest or just have something in reserve to justify their withdrawal if pressed for an explanation. For JWs who have glimmers of a questioning mind, it can help to start them joining the dots. And 2014 is next year. It all chips away at long-timers' confidence in the Org.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    AnnOMaly >>> whoa, they really said that?!? (w81 3/1 pp. 24-26)

    After all, with this reversal of doctrine in spe it appears the WTBTS forces the interpretation of sectarian views.

  • AnnOMaly

    Yep. They really said that. Freddie Franz must be spinning in his grave (or fulminating on his cloud or whatever).

  • sir82

    "Anything you say can and will be used against you".

    As others have noted, if you want to fade, say nothing to no one no where, and say even less if there are 2 or more people to hear.

    Being "vocal" is fine if your goal is to be disfellowshipped. Anything else will almost certainly be viewed as apostasy, or at the very least "causing divisions" or even "brazen conduct".

  • blondie

    How many jws left over the dropping of the 1914 generation teaching in 1995? How many did you hear of in your area. I only heard of 2 ex-jws that used to post here who said that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I know that I was dismayed by that back then but it did not move me to leave.

    Back in 1962 the doctrine identifying the "superior authorities" of Romans 13 was changed from God and Jesus back to secular governments (teaching until 1929).

    Back in 1970 the doctrine saying that the "great tribulation" began in 1914 and took a hiatus in 1918 to start up again at a future date.

    Did many leave then? Talked about privately with trusted jw friends but no one left in my circle.

    sir82 has good advice...and it might be good to read Steven Hassan's books about how you might get someone out...a full frontal attack is sure to strengthen people's beliefs.

  • BluesBrother

    I have found it possible to raise questions, admit doubts..and confide that I was struggling with the faith (in the Society, that is) I am still around, as "inactive" and the family do not have to treat me as d/f

    You want to be treated as in this scripture, not as an apostate

    Jude 22/23

    22?Also, continue showing mercy to some that have doubts; 23?save [them] by snatching [them] out of the fire.

    So choose your words carefully

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Wow, thanks everyone for the sage advice..

    There's too many to reply to individually, but please be assured I will seriously think on all you've said..

    I HAVE expressed doubts to the missus, and been VERY careful about what I've said and not said. I was especially careful in expressing that I could be DF'd for just holding a dissenting view, something she found hard to believe. It's like the elephant in the room that daren't be talked about at the moment. I hope I don't step in the poo.

    I'm definitely going to take it slowly, I DEFINITELY don't want to blow my marriage up while exiting the minefield. I think this IS a good time to take hold of the issue, express puzzlement, even if it's months down the line, it can be something to refer to as a stumbling block to those FEW people who will ask for a reason and who I think may deserve one.

    I'm particularly encouraged by BLUESBROTHER above, that scripture is exactly what I had in mind and I'm glad this path worked for you to whatever extent it did work.

    Thanks folks, I'll be reading all your replies over and over again I'm certain.

  • DesirousOfChange

    BLONDIE:How many jws left over the dropping of the 1914 generation teaching in 1995? How many did you hear of in your area. I only heard of 2 ex-jws that used to post here who said that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I know that I was dismayed by that back then but it did not move me to leave.

    I think that it's unusual for just one doctrinal change to send any die-hard JW running. Esp the non-thinking ones. I recall reading and re-reading the New Lite in 1995. Studying it and reading references on it (WT references of course, what others can you trust?) and I finally bought into it thinking it was just a "short" change in the time line.

    I saw the OverLap Lite differently. HUGE CHANGE. Upon that info I realized that GB 2.0 had NO IDEA what was going on. It was obvious to everyone already that the "generation" of 1914 was dead. OVERLAPPING was the BEST explanation they could dream up? GEEZE!

    Additionally, it took a personal afront to awaken me. Coming to realize there is no Holy Spirit directing these men (as claimed) at any level and that their "love" depends on you staying in line, getting your token FS, and not asking too many questions (esp any that make them look bad) is the real eye-opener. Once there is one chink in the armor, you cannot help but wonder what else is wrong.


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