Moving on ... Deep Penitentiary 6.

by donuthole 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • donuthole

    Hey JWD!

    I'm the author of Happiness: How to Find It and the Paradise Earth series.

    I hesitated to post about my latest book because it isn't really JW related. Then it occurred to me ... because it isn't JW related, maybe I'm recovering from my past? (I doub it. Ha!) The book is called Deep Penitentiary 6, and is the kind of book I would never dreamed of writing as a JW. It's basically an homage to crass 1970's grindhouse cinema. It is about a girl who goes undercover in a space prison to locate her missing sister. So yeah, it's full of action, humor, terrible puns, and robes inexplicably flying open. Best of all, it is being released as a flip-book with a story by Shane Crash. Crash is a young author who I've been dying to work with.

    We've been traditionally published in the past but we are self-publishing this one. We've started a Kickstarter to pay for things like cover art, editing, and printing.

    If you can support us and pick up a copy it would be greatly appreciated!

    Also I've got the cover art done for the second Paradise Earth book. I'm hoping for an October release for it. If you enjoyed the first book, you'll love the second volume as our "armaggedon" survivors enter the new world. Maybe they'll find out it doesn't quite live up to their expecations.

    Cheers to moving on!

  • FreeGirl2006

    Just put in a pledge for your project...sounds cool. My boyfriend is sci-fi fantasy writer and I try to support self-published writers when I can. Good luck (gasp!) on meeting your Kickstarter goal.


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    DonutHole...Hey that's great. It is wonderful to hear you are published!

    Just Lois

  • donuthole

    Thanks for the pledge FreeGirl! I'm the same way whenever I go to comic-cons, I always support indie creators.

    We've had some great success in the last few days. We were backed by Colin Frangicetto and Max Bemis. I'm a little out of the music scene, but I'm told these are some big names with the kids. :-)


  • gma-tired2

    i enjoyed reading reading your first Paradise Earth looking forward to second book. Recommended it to my daughter.

  • talesin

    Glad to see you posted this ... when my puter died, I was offline for oh, 6 weeks or so, fighting about warranty ..

    But I lost the link to Happiness: ...! And couldn't remember your handle ... now, I can finish it, hooray! :))



  • talesin

    And congrats!

  • DT

    I just got a Kindle and your Paradise Earth book is the first ebook I bought for it. It looks interesting.

  • donuthole


    I hope Paradise Earth isn't too traumatic for you. It can be nightmare inducing for exJW's. :-)


    Yeah my random "donuthole" handle survives long after I need to be icognito and hide from snooping elders.

    You can still read Happiness for free at:

    There is a print version in the works with a new cover and an expanded ending.

  • talesin

    That is great,, and yes, I looked up your other thread and have it bookmarked to finish reading. When it is in print, let us know, and I will request that my local library orders it. They have already purchased Brianna Karp's and Tony DuShane's books for me. I figure that since I can't support you folks with my own meagre allowance, there's more than one way to skin a cat!

    Now, to see how I can wangle the Paradise Earth series ... hmmmm. :D

    Thanks for sharing with us.



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