The day after Armageddon how will JW survive the first week?

by TotallyADD 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • tiki

    yeah - and how about the ptsd.....people who have lived through bombings, horrible things, devastating earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis - even if unscathed bodily there is emotional damage. i often wondered about the "though 10000 fall beside you 10000 at your side no harm will you betide" and just figured that there would be a miraculous numbing of the senses so that we could see it all yet remain unaffected.....

    but, seriously - the picture portrayed does leave a lot of unanswered questions. i guess looting will be acceptable after arma - but now in a disaster situation it is a crime.......and the damage...disease from decaying bodies....the stench....lots of issues unanswered - but don't speculate friends!!!!

  • TotallyADD

    Watching birds eating the eyeballs out of dead people. Totally ADD

  • talesin

    They don't see it rationally. The reality of a post-apocalyptic world couldn't be further from their thoughts.

    Let's face it ... if you believe that lions will eat grass, and all of the other associated BS, why would you be worried about "The Day After" ?

    As far as they are concerned, it will be Instant Paradise.


  • nowwhat?

    no phone, no lights, no motorcars not a single luxury, like robinson caruso it's as primitive as can be!

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Every time I asked a similar question I would get the glazed over eyes and then hear "Jehovah will provide"

  • flipper

    Nothing will happen for anybody after the alleged " Armageddon " - because it's an unreality, non-existent - a fantasy

  • TotallyADD

    Didn't the "live forever book" show them using bulldozers and other machines. Houses with windows and doors and front porches. Only question that was asked was "what don't you see?". Their answer was no electric lines or TV antenna. I would think about all the work it takes to make a window or a door even the milled lumber used to make the house. Everybody just thought it would all appear by magic. A fantasy indeed. Totally ADD

  • Bobcat

    The "Survival into a New Earth" publication (not sure if I got the title exactly right).

    *** su chap. 4 p. 32 pars. 5-6 The Kind of Life That Awaits Survivors ***

    Of course, conditions on earth immediately after the great tribulation will not be like those in Eden. But God's original purpose for the earth and mankind will remain unchanged. Paradise is to encompass the globe, humankind will be its caretakers, and they will all be united in worship of the true God. Before them will lie the opportunity to live forever, enjoying the glorious freedom of the children of God.-Luke 23:42, 43; Revelation 21:3, 4; Romans 8:20, 21.

    At the outset, the ruins of the old system will undoubtedly need to be cleared away. Military equipment that remains will be converted to peaceful uses. (Ezekiel 39:8-10; compare Micah 4:3.) Crops still in the fields will no doubt be harvested to sustain the survivors. Then as seed is sown and new harvests are reaped, the promise will come true: "The earth itself will certainly give its produce; God, our God, will bless us." (Psalm 67:6; compare Deuteronomy 28:8.) With the selfish and divisive elements of the old system gone, never again will anyone be obliged to go to bed hungry at night.-Psalm 72:16.

  • LisaRose

    I honestly don't think most dubs think much beyond surviving the big A. I figured I wouldn't make it anyway, so I kind of stopped thinking about it.

  • Este

    Everything will still be here less whatever it is men destroy. The earth will be cleansed as time progresses. The book of Isaiah describes how the planet will be in time........


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