What Do You Typically Read For News On The Internet or On TV?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Blondie, that's why you are so smart...always reading.

  • 5go



    Al Jazerra






    Used to watch Fox News until I found out they in their own words (in court mind you) don't report news, they just give opinions.

  • BizzyBee



    The New Yorker


    Daily Kos


    Rude Pundit


    Listen to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh when I'm driving - just for laughs

  • minimus

    I don't like those two guys. Way too extreme and never wrong.

  • minimus

    Rush is a big blow.

  • Tameria2001

    I don't even waste my time watching news on the TV. I might on occasion watch my local news, just to keep up with what is going on in my area. I usually get my news from the internet, and then before even believing it, I will double check to make sure that too is not something false as well. I forget which person it was that worked for CNN, she said all CNN is, is the mouthpiece to the government.

  • ShirleyW

    Like Min, I read the NY Post and Daily News everyday, plus the NY Times homepage is my homepage when I log on my computer

    For TV news it's Brian Williams every evening and the local news

  • WTWizard

    I look at both sides. Looking at the lamestream sources, you see how they come up with an unemployment number that is 0.2% below last month's out of thin air, and then the stock market is up another 50 billion points. Then I dig deeper, to find that unemployment is down because they don't count those who give up, and that the Fed is buying the stock market and paper-shorting silver and gold. I do that with medical news, too--checking the Level VI Pandemic on H1N1 (and soon H7N9) only to find out that the base disease is wimpy and that the vaccine is giving people the whopper version. As for the energy crisis, I know they will lie about it until we are actually in it--so I don't even wait for one to be declared. All it takes is for Isra-HELL to blow up Syria--I don't even wait for the United Tyranny of Stupidity to help Isra-HELL as they did in 1973 to get ready. It will be too late when that happens.

    Just as it will be too late to load up on silver and gold when the lamestream media picks up on it, since you won't be able to get any.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    National Enquirer.

    Fox News. Fair and Balanced.

  • stealyourface

    Obits in my home town’s rag, on line.

    CNN for links to US local affiliates.

    Blogosphere for limited scope, specialized news sites.

    It’s where Sharyl Attkisson got some of her best leads, and a rag-tag bunch of investigators have the State of Florida scared $$hitless.

    As Tameria pointed out, the brother of CBS News President is a Deputy National Security Advisor of Strategic Communications.

    The sister of ABC News President is the White House Coordinator for Arms Control and WMD, Proliferation and Terrorism (whew!).

    The CNN Deputy DC Bureau Chief is married to Hillary Clinton’s aide-de-camp.

    Remember what the ‘I’ in the BITE Method of Cult indoctrination and maintenance stands for.

    AP may become interesting now that they realize they are not part of the nomenklatura.

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