I have said it before

by mouthy 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • jhine

    thanks Mouthy , it is hard for me to understand how being in a cult can mess with your mind . I am trying to understand , that is one of the reasons for coming onto the site .

    Keep on keeping on !

  • mouthy

    I am sure it is hard to understand.But once a false prophet ( Deut 18: 20 -23 ) get your mind he really captures it.
    We became slaves to the WT... Just like those 3 women who were captured for over a decade,sex slaves!

    we also was screwed very badly.... me for over 25 years. & the trouble is they(THE WT)
    took custody of my kids ,grandkids, greatgrandkids.by telling them I am evil because
    I didnt see Jesus come invisably in 1914

  • Gojira_101

    Nice to see you again Grace! I had to take a break from JWN to, it was just a nightmare and brought back a lot of the feelings of being bullied as a JW. I understand why you left. I hope you are doing well. I'm going to be coming out soon and revealing my id, so please look me up if you want. I'd love to stay in contact with you.



  • carla


  • *lost*

    Jhine bang on right.

    There are some radical atheists and it is one of the things that puts me right off this site. It very nearly stopped me joining, so much hatred and villification.

    there is no justification whatsoever.

    if they don't want to get involved in any religious discussion, no one is forcing them too. they have the option to keep their mouths shut and walk on by.

    but some of them just can;t help themselves, they got to jump in at every opportunity with their god hating rhetoric.

    It really does a dis-service to this site.

    constantly hampering discussions, and by their 'bullying' they are suppressing timid people from sharing their thoughts and feelings and openly discussing their faith,

    and which path they want to follow.

    People who are vulnerable and hurting and need a lot of help, they should be able to express themselves without fear of a good 'bashing'.

    They have made their choice to be atheistic, nothing wrong with that, but some have made their choice to remain christians, of a fashion, and should be respected for that also.

    Being ex-jw does not mean being Atheist.

    Does one have to qualify as Atheist to earn entry to this club?

  • jhine

    thank you for the comments ladies , Grace I hadn't realised that you had suffered so much at the hands of the org.

    You really have lived Jesus' words of "A man must leave his father and mother (etc ) to follow me ." Pardon the paraphrase but you know what I mean . I do not know if I could have your courage , I pray so .

    Lost and Gojira , your comments about bullying on the site made me think . You would suppose that ex JW's would understand the awful effect of bullying , even verbally, having been exposed to it in the org.

    Maybe it is like a child who is abused , SOME go on to abuse , only because they know no different way to relate .

    It is frustrating when trying to make a point to someone who may be on the verge of TTATT , to have someone else come in with a different agenda , simply trying to destroy faith altogether , .

  • talesin

    I think it's helpful to realize that those atheists who are vociferous, sarcastic and well, I agree, bullies, are exhibiting that they are still operating in the JW mindset. I've gone head-to-head with some of these folks many times, calling them out on their behaviours.

    This *is* a public forum, and that means that just like in the Real World (RW), as opposed to the Kingdom Hall TM (KH), you will have to deal with all sorts of folks. The good thing about this is, at least people are not mindless zombies who nod and smile to your face, and then gossip behind your back.

    Don't let anyone make you feel 'less than', because they are rude and/or condescending about your beliefs. Learn to ignore those folks, and don't 'engage' with them. This can be a good lesson in standing up for yourself. In the RW, you will meet some bullies, as well as many reasonable people, who can agree to disagree. Bullies only have power if you let them get to you!

    It can be quite a shock when you are exiting the JWS, to see how people conduct themselves outside of the KH, when it comes to religion. It's a free-for-all here on the forum, that is true, but as I said, it can be a great learning experience. Try sharpening your claws ... it can be quite satisfying! :P

    Take everything with a grain of salt, and don't feed the nasties by letting them rile you up and upset you.



  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Of all the sad stories that come from having been ensnared by the WTS cult, Mouthy's is one of the saddest. But I love her because of her strength and humor.

    Glad you're back, Mouthy.

    Parakeet, of the atheist-but-still-loves-Mouthy class

  • *lost*

    Jhine - so true

    Tal -

    they know what they are doing, they are not victims.

    I believe it is fullly intentional, cowards pick on whom they view to be 'weak' victims, ones that are mild,

    and mannerly and would not dream of retailiating lke for like, it's like they get some kind of sadistic kick out of it.

    Bullies are bullies, they enjoy being nasty and spiteful and hateful, it's what feeds them, and as with all bullies,

    they run away and cower, when the 'big boys' come out to play, they are just pathetic.

  • jhine

    It seems that one positive thing has come from this and I have identified people who have faith and with whom I can share .

    It does seem a shame that sometimes the site seems to be them and us , I am sure that that was never the original intention .

    I live with a husband who is an atheist and not always complementary of religion , but who, cus he loves me does respect my right to believe even though he thinks that I am daft for doing so. This means that it isn't strange for me to hear some of the comments ,I just think that especially when someone is trying to help "waiverers " to see some TTATT it isn't helpful for them to have their expectations of appostates backed up nasty personal comments . Those of you who have been JWs obviously know much better than I how appostates are painted by the org , and for those on the edge to get the impression that all that they have been told by the org. is true may turn them from the site .

    I can stick up for myself and can , I am not proud to say be just as nasty as anyone , this is a trait that I have had to rein in , so I choose to not bite . What good would it do to start a slanging match ? It certainly would not show this site in a very good light to new comers . I feel blessed to have become part of JWN and want to soak up as much positive information as I can .

    So please everyone keep on helping me to gain knowledge and information to help those still ensnared by the org.

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