Baruch: What ever became of him?

by Quarterback 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quarterback

    This weeks Book study on Jeremiah, turns on Baruch, Jeremiah's secretary. It stated that he desired Great things for himself. The writer covers all bases when they state that it could be Materialism, power, prestige, as place to live, etc.

    Does anyone have any history about those who left while the Babylonian conquer occurred in Jerusalem? Was Baruch better off.

  • A.M. Number 1
    A.M. Number 1

    I can't tell if this is a joke or not. If not I can't imagine someone caring. If it is, kind of funny.

  • Isidore

    Quaterback, believe it or not, Baruch wrote a book in the Old Testament. It's one of the Deuterocanonical books that Protestants have rejected over the last 2 centuries. It was part of the Septuagint and is part of the original accepted canon of the Catholic Church.

  • Bobcat

    Here is a little about the various traditions concerning him.

  • stillin

    Baruch built up a network of traveling merchants who worked the trade routes on Camel's backs. Babylon was on the route and he had free access to visit his captive family there. Said hello, sold them matzo balls and kosher sausages, made his millions and retired somewhere near Athens with a nice sea-front condo.

    It's in next weeks' lesson.

  • Quarterback

    Thanks for the research..stillin. Did Jeremiah ever hook up with him, again? I do remember an old cartoon as a child called." The Adventures of Baruch and his Camel". That was real?

  • Quarterback

    Isadore...thanks, I wasn't aware about this one.


    As usual, the WT spin was obvious. Is " seeking great things " even an accurate translation? I wonder.... I also noted that Baruch had a spiritual problem according to the WT. Really? Where was that in the bible?

  • Bobcat

    The word is gadol (Strong's # 1419). Its an adjective meaning (you guessed it) "great." "The word emphasizes the importance, size, and significance of something or someone." (AMG WordStudy Dictionary-OT pp.1419-20)

    As such it is used in a wide variety of ways and often (possibly hundreds of occurences). In Jer 45 it is unspecific concerning what it refers to. Perhaps Baruch new of something specific, or it could be vague such as 'great dreams or plans.'

  • dozy

    email from a JW associate this week

    " Are we like Baruch ? Do we strive after position and fame either in the world or even in the cong?!? Or do we simply Strive to do Jehovah's will.? Good study this week in the jer book "

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