Would you pay $600 for a demonic experience

by NewYork44M 27 Replies latest social current

  • NewYork44M

    At the very moment I signed onI saw the quote related to demonic experiences next to the $600 question about the Stones.

    Given my desire to increase efficiency I thought it might be good to combine the topics.

    I am very dissapointed that I have never had a demonic experience. The fact that I don't believe in demons may have impacted my lack of experience. However, I would never spend $600 to seen any group or person - even if they were naked.

    So, how about you?

  • littlerockguy

    Some uber dubs would tell you that if you went to a Rolling Stones concert you would be going to a demonic experience if you paid $600 or not!


  • zeb

    dont be disappointed. Have you ever put you hand in boiling water No?

    Take a look at some of the footage of the world war or talk to veterans of the conflict.

  • mamochan13

    Why pay money when I could just go to a garage sale and buy something and then go home and fervently believe again like when I was a JW?

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Two months ago, I invited demons to my home and bought coffee and doughnuts for them out of my own pocket.

    Not a one showed up. I had to eat those doughnuts all by myself.

    If doughnuts didn't tempt them to show up, $600 won't tempt them either. Nothing will. And I think I know the reason why.

  • startingover

    Who would I be paying the $600 to? If it was sitting in escrow, absolutely. I have no doubt I would get my money back. But to be honest, I would really like to have the experience and would gladly pay the $600

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Satan's already got us, so he sends his minions to persecute li'l old ladies who stand on the corner holding magazines in the air.

    But think about THIS; have you ever heard of ANY member of the GB having a demonic experience?

    The reason why is given above.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    All you need to do is believe it....no need to pay. Anything can take on demonic characteristics if you REALLY want them to.

    But if you want to pay...send me the money...and I'll send you a demonic experience....LOL I'll give you a package deal.

  • Jeffro

    return of parakeet:

    If doughnuts didn't tempt them to show up, $600 won't tempt them either. Nothing will. And I think I know the reason why.

    Obviously you didn't supply enough doughnuts. $600 will buy quite a lot of them though. Buy $600 worth of doughnuts and invite the demons again. Then report back here.

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Sorry Jeffro, once burned, twice shy, as they say. One dougnut is as tasty as $600 worth of them. And my waistline really doesn't need more doughnuts.

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