Jehovah's Witnesses (Watchtower Trained) Vs Christians From 36A.D. to 300 A.D.

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    How do JWs compare to the ancient churches of the first few centuries? Almost every JW claim's "Organized Preaching" is the mark of true Christians, this is not backed by the Bible. How are JWs like the First Century through Fourth Century Christians?

    Please don't use the July 15, 2013 Watchtower and say "There were no true Christians after St. John died!" I had someone use that stupid remark!

  • Perry
    How do JWs compare to the ancient churches of the first few centuries?

    Let's Review:

    Early Christians believed:

    1. Military officers could be Christians (Corneilus) - FAIL

    2. Believed they could pray to Jesus to save them (Ex: Stephen's prayer & Thief next to Jesus) - FAIL

    3. ALL accepted the Blood Covenant as an offer for the forgiveness of personal sins (NOT JUST RULERSHIP POSITIONS, See Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.) - FAIL

    4. Believed in a literal personal Judgment for each person'S SINS AFTER they died (Hebrews 9:27 - And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:) - FAIL Note: Hence the necessity for point 3

    5. And most importantly: They believed that the gospel was fixed in stone and could not be changed without incurring the wrath of God (But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Gal. 1: 8) This is the diametric opposite of the "light gets brighter and brighter" JW doctrine) - FAIL

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    How do JWs compare to the ancient churches of the first few centuries?

    You could be baptized as a Christian rather quickly. Not like the year long indoctrination by Jehovah's Witnesses, before you are baptized as a sign of submission to their Organization.

  • Phizzy

    In those centuries there was much debate, very heated, with schisms and sects forming, but debate as to True Doctrine was a commonplace. And though the ones who believed they had most authority felt they could adjudicate and declare what was doctrine and what was not, debate itself was not stifled.

    How very different from the W.T/JW totalitarian Big Brother set up, where to even think a dissenting idea is enough to have you excommunicated.

  • jhine

    I cannot find the watchtower July 15 2013 online . I have found a study watchtower dated mid April 2013 but that does not seem to be the same one that is being discussed , I am officially confused. com . Help !!

  • RayPublisher

    ÁrbolesdeArabia I sent you a PM

  • villagegirl

    Early Christians also:

    (1) Had an organized financial provision for widows and orphans.

    (2) Did charitable works literally ( I was hungry and you fed me, naked and

    you clothed me....etc ) they did not make this symbolic action to a faithful

    and discreet slave "class" There were NO "classes" as each Christian was

    in a one on one relationship to Christ as their individual mediator.

    (3) Early Christians were free to go to Synagogues. Early Gentile converts

    were advised that the Law of Moses was read everyday in the Synagogue.

    (4) They met in homes and women were accepted as equals which was

    why Paul had to "deal" with issues of head coverings and the upsetting of

    social customs that happened when women were participating as equals.

    (5) There was NO "governing body" Older men/Elders in Jerusalem were challenged openly

    (6) Other Holy Books, like the Book of Enoch ( now considered Apocrypha )

    was being read as is evidenced by Jude's reference to to it.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    JUde referred to the book of enoch?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Does anyone truly believe that there were honest, fervent Christians and as soon as Constantine came to power - bam! No more true Christians. It is comical. The WT said that miracles and visible signs disappeared with the apostles. When the last apostle died (which would not include Paul), God ceased the power to perform miracles. Well, this inquiring mind wants to know the date certain and the time certain when the last apostle died and shriveled up Jesus' power. Which apostle was the last to die? Where is death certificate? What color garments was he wearing? This part of church history is every bit as important as the days of James and Peter. Where was the last apostle residing? Which gospels did he acknowledge as truthful? Was he married? Did he have children and grandchildren.

  • Perry
    JUde referred to the book of enoch?

    You bet your bippy. And the book of Jasher is referred to three times favorably in the bible. It's not inspired....just an ancient history book.

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