ARTICLE - 25 April 2013 - New York Times - God and Doctor (Jehovah's Witnesses)

by jwleaks 13 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wannaexit

    This so sad. The governing boobs have a lot of blood on their hands.

  • Pterist

    Thanks for sharing JWleaks. One has to admire such conviction to serve God in the face of death and to empathize with the immediate family. Another sad storey indeed that former JW's like myself frown and get angry at the GB to continue to dictate this doctrine that at best should be one of conscientious decision and at worse is used by the GB to promote their dangerous cult that give them free advertisement in the media like this.

    As said before, if blood is respected because it symbolizes life when does the symbolize become greater than the reality of life itself, shame on you GB, and elders that actively enable this unnessary loss of life.

  • Pterist

    Marvin S ***In the 12-year period of 1933-45 Adolf Hitler killed 2,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses.- In the 1-year of 2011 Watchtower’s blood doctrine killed more than 2,000 of Jehovah’s Witnesses.[1]****

    Devastating, man slaughter at best!

  • steve2

    The quandary for the GB is this:

    The more JWs who die because of blood-refusal, the harder it will be for the GB to ever consider stepping away from this vainly life-endangering doctrine. To "officially" step away from it, is to overtly raise the thought that so many deaths have been tragically in vain. They're forever lumped with this hideous doctrine and will "go down" with it - which is no surprise in a religion routinely given to irrational extremes.

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