Blasts From The Past

by Frenchy 14 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Frenchy

    May You Never Be Alone...

    Like a bird that's lost its mate in flight
    I'm alone and oh so blue tonight
    Like a piece of drifwood on the sea
    May you never be alone like me
    I gave up my friends I left my home
    When you promised to be mine alone
    Now you're gone our love could never be
    May you never be alone like me
    I believed the lies you told to me
    When you said Dear, I worship thee
    Now here I am alone and blue
    All because I love no one but you
    In the Bible God's own words do say
    For every wrong someday you'll pay
    I've prayed the Lord to set me free
    May you never be alone like me

    As sung by Hank Williams (SR). The first time I heard this song was on a 78 rpm record. How many here remember listening to one of those?!
    I had not heard that song for years until a few months back a local radio station played a version of it recorded by a friend of mine I used to play in a band with many years ago.

    Whew! I can't type tonight. I had to edit this thing twice!

    Edited by - Frenchy on 3 February 2001 23:41:56

  • amicus

    I just listened to some Hank today, I haven't heard that one though.
    One of my favorite lines of his "...the tubes and tires are doin' fine, but the air is showin' through."
    He's one of the best singer/songwriters of all time, IMHO.

  • Seven

    Frenchy, Great lyrics. Hank Williams was the first superstar to die the rockstar's death(partying lifestye). He was a great one. My favorites are Your Cheatin' Heart, Move It On Over, and I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry. 78's-those things look like manhole covers.


  • Simon

    I remember the record player we had when I was little played 78's 45's 33's and 16's (I think)
    I used to play Gypies Tramps & Thieves at 78 'cause I thought it sounded better (a bit like Pinky and Perky)

  • Frenchy

    Amicus, that one is not as well known as some of Hank's other songs.
    Seven, You're not old enough to remember that!
    Simon: I used to 'speed' up the turntable too! Sounded like the chipmunks! I don't remember the 16 rpm's, however. Could that have been a European thing?

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Seven

    Frenchy, I read everything I can get my hands on about musicians, singers and songwriters. That's why I know all this trivia. A&E's biography ia a great source of information. The one they did on Hank was great. He died on the way to a concert in Canton, Ohio, New Years day, if I remember it right-around 1953. Didn't the G.O. Opry give him the boot? I'm reading up on Patsy Cline-love her songs, great to sing in the shower.LOL

    Simon, I used to play with my parents old records when I was a kid too. I always thought that Cher was singing: "Gypsies, plant some trees!!" LOL Who's Pinky and Perky? Must be a Brit thing.

  • Frenchy

    Hank's drinking often times interfered with his scheduled performances. Yes, it's my understanding that he was kicked out of the Opry.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Angharad


    Pinky and Perky were two little pigs, with little high pitched squeaky voices, they were in a pupet show on TV but they also released a few records.

    I hate to admit it but I had the Pinky and Perky album when I was little

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    We had 45's when I was little. Probably drove my mother crazy playing the same one's over and over. "A White Sport Coat With a Pink Carnation" was a fave. Been advertising some oldies on TV. Brings back memories.
    I love Patsy Cline. She was born in the town we live in. I lived right down the road from where "Sweet Dreams" was filmed for awhile.

  • Seven

    Thinkers wife, Patsy Cline was an amazing talent. I was reading comments made by Owen Bradley(or Brady) about having difficulty getting her records on the air when he took over her career. It seems that station managers felt her beautiful, silky voice was not country enough. The record producers even attempted to alter her voice. I'm listening to some of her digitally remastered tracks now. I Fall To Pieces and Crazy are my favorites.

    Angharad, Thanks for the Pinky and Perky information. I had Sesame Street and the Muppets. LOL I still watch them.

    Frenchy, What a tragedy the bottle took Hank. He had alot of music left in him.

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