The Heroes Of Boston

by Bangalore 1 Replies latest social current

  • Bangalore
  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Bangalore, Thank you for posting this. I hadn't read it before. When I'm reading it...comparing it to Jehovah's Witnesses, I am crying, because there is no comparing worldly people to Jehovah's chosen people. First, Jehovah's chosen people were Israelites...then Jesus popped up. Then he said we are supposed to love one another. I did my share of "showing love" but the past few years, when I needed love and support, nada , I received nothing.

    What have Jehovah's Witnesses ever done but stick out their chest, and act like they are smarter than everyone. They are not a charity. They do not help people. They abuse their own people and make nuisances of themselves in their communities, bothering people is what they do.

    If there were any JW's on the sidelines at Monday's Boston Marathon, I don't think any of them would step forward to help. It is drilled into our head from infancy, that worldly people are wicked (WTB&TS words, not mine). With a blast, near people, there is blood. The Heroes of Boston saw people hurting and rushed in to help. They didn't think of themselves, they thought of others. That is 100% commendable. Watchtower would be 100% against that.

    I wish I had known worldly aka normal people all my life. I would have been a better person for it.

    Just Lois

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