How to identify Publishers who know TTATT

by His Excellency 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Jwfacts, that's exactly what in experiencing. It is so frustrating. I'm learning to just walk way. Anyone I've tried to have an intelligent conversation with freaks out. I think, if you are still in, facebook is your best best. Posting social causes you care about, pictures of you happy and involved with friends and volunteer events, comments about appreciating and loving life seem to be a good course. Just my personal perspective as I try to wake a few up.

  • exwhyzee

    The telltale signs are:

    Not bothering to look up the connect the dot scriptures during talks anymore.

    Still looking up the scriptures but continuing to read and compare the surrounding verses even when the speaker has already moved on.

    Elbowing of ones spouse when scriptures are found that contradict what the speaker just said.

    Slouching in ones seat and not having ones own magazine during the watchtower study or caring if anyone notices.

    Barely concealed eye rolling when certain topics are covered or ridiculous comments are made.

    Not singing along with the kingdom melodies or holding back of ones snickers when certain lyrics are encountered.

    Looking around during the prayer and seeing all the others that are doing the same.

    Not saying Amen anymore.

    Vagueness in the form of shoulder shrugging and or a nailed on sickly smile when someone asks " Wasn't that the best Watchtower/assembly/talk-ever??"

    Appreciating the individuals one is associating with yet experiencing a certain disconnectedness that occurs when one has has moved on mentally.This disconnectedness is often discernible in ones body language.

  • wallsofjericho

    i didnt attend a book study for almost an entire year. then theY cancelled the book study and my overall average neeting attendance improved by 30%

    exwhyzee - omg i didnt know i was so obvious! its like youve met me before!

  • mamochan13

    It would be nice to know...but...

    I recall when I was younger, a very dear elder who I loved and respected, had a falling out with the rest of the elders. He fought back by never singing at the meetings, by refusing to do anything publicly to support the religion. The story that went around was that he had allowed himself to be stumbled. He wasn't removed as an elder for some reason, but there were some restrictions, as I recall. He sent his son to university, which was a biggie in those days. Even though I was a loyal dub (raised that way) I was drawn to him and deeply respected him.

    I now realize that he was probably the first "apostate" I ever met. He never left the org, died and was funeralized as a JW. But I now wish I would have had some REAL conversations with him.

  • Zordino

    Exwhyzee, Have you been spying on me at the back of the Hall? I do almost every one of those things. LoL

  • Zordino

    They Take stratigecly timed 'bathroom breaks' that can last up to 20 min.

    They miss about 50% of the meetings and servus.

    They're appreance is not decade impaired. (modern)

  • 2+2=5

    Exwhyzee that is a great list of telltale signs, I can relate to every point you made.

    I am always elbowing my wife when the GB worship is being promoted or the speaker is taking scriptures way out of context. I mostly spend the meeting just reading the bible. I cannot stomach the songs and rarely bring my own WT magazine.

    I think slim is right, it is very hard to continue a normal JW routine once you have awakened. I have only attended two mid week meetings since the Jeremiah book started and have not been witnessing since I learned TTATT. I got through the memorial season without doing any field service despite some pressure from the elders to participate. I have knocked back a few sheparding visits. I missed the special talk and the zone talk on the weekend.

    Eventually anyone who learns TTATT will stop attending IMO. It can literally drive you crazy trying to live the JW life when you know the truth, so you either stop going to meetings or lose your mind.

  • *lost*

    I can't do it anymore either. just can't do it.

    Since i found out TTATT. The child abuse, the scandals, the lies, the hypocrisy, everyday finding out new things from others here. How wrong everything is about the WT org. I cannot understand how people can be so false and two faced. living a lie. I feel for the genuine dubs.

  • wannaexit

    Exwhyzee: you really nailed it! those are definitely all tell tale signs. I'm going be watching very carefully from now and see If I can spot an TTATTers

  • WinstonSmith

    They are the ones that sit there with their eyes glazed over.

    Oh no, wait, that's everyone else!

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