WT 15 July 2013 - "Look at the Artwork!"

by The Song Remains The Same 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • The Song Remains The Same
    The Song Remains The Same

    Was just browsing this new issue and trying to make head and tail of what they are talking about, and noticed the final article tucked away on-line;


    Not sure if anyone commented, but it takes me back to the discussions on God's Earthly Org Chart here.

    This is what they have to say...

    "How many times have you said that to yourself or to others when you opened a new issue of this magazine? The beautiful pictures and photographs that are painstakingly produced are there for a purpose. They are teaching aids that make us think and feel. They can be especially helpful when we prepare for and participate in the Watchtower Study.

    For example, give some thought to why the first illustration of each study article was chosen for that article. What does it portray? How does it relate to the title of the article or to the theme scripture? With every other illustration, think of how it relates to the subject under discussion and to your own life.

    The Watchtower Study conductor will want to give the congregation the opportunity to comment on each picture, to tell how it applies to the lesson or what impact it has on them personally. In some cases, a note is provided in the caption that links a picture to a specific paragraph. In others, the conductor may decide with which paragraph it would be best to discuss each picture. In this way, all will benefit fully from what has been done to help the reader visualize the lessons that are found in God’s Word.

    One brother put it this way, “After reading a wonderfully written article, the pictures are the icing on the cake.” "

    Has anyone had the "opportunity to comment on" the celestial-chariot org-chart at a meeting yet?

    Bottom line is - "Don't just believe what we say in words, also believe the pictures, it is all true and accurate food at the proper time..."

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    We had an elder describe the artwork from a recent Watchtower as if it was a detailed photograph of what actually took place! I cringe when so-called shepherds go beyond the things that are written, and present publication fantasies, speculations, and Writing Committee opinions, as God-given truths!

    Are they trying to convince themselves or us?

  • Phizzy

    Most of the artwork is cultish and downright weird IMHO

  • zeb

    yes. as they dont have acces to a decent TV chanel, or read anything worthwhile thats not jw.

  • WinstonSmith

    Don't you love WT articles that are nothing more than themselves giving themselves a big self high five?

    Praise us! Praise us! Look, here is something to praise us about! Look! LOOK! Praise, praise, praaaaaaaaise!

    Reminds me of a four year old....

  • 2+2=5

    Look at the artwork. Notice the family playing cricket on the beach in their formal clothes? This is how true Christians enjoy recreation. Thanks Watchtower scholars!

  • slimboyfat

    Some of it looks quite good I suppose. Shame it's just promoting a lot of garbage.

  • Larsinger58

    Here's some artwork from the "Revelation" book....


    The commentary establishes that all the artwork is well thought out and approved by the GB! Since the actual "sign of the son of man" is the image of a black child's face with his eyes closed, it is clear the duplication of this image here was comissioned! It is not a mistake. Freemasons communicate through artwork and images!

  • cognisonance


    Umm.... I see how that looks like a baby's face, but could you possibly, just possibly be expressing a thought that is a non sequiter, jumping to conclusions, and a hasty generalization that because the artwork appears to have a black child's face that therefore this was both purposeful and by freemasons?

    I call bull shit on this one.

  • therevealer

    Can't one just say "what a stupid ass piece of artwork" which it truly is and forget trying to see a baby's face. Even the mother (if that were an actual baby) would be saying, what an ugly little bugger that is.

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