The CO 'encourages' Julia to meet with THREE elders- the latest episode in the best-selling drama, The Fade of Julia Orwell.

by Julia Orwell 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Oubliette

    A man shows up unannounced, talks to a woman that is still in her pajamas, she tells him she is sick and he doesn't go away!!!

    Clearly there is something wrong with this guy.

    All the talk is just window-dressing bs.

  • Slavenomore

    I don't know if a CO by himself with the objective to speak with a sister, not knowing if hubby is at home is following procedure I wonder if it was just an encouragement call as he said why not bring Mrs. CO? This was not by the book other then attempting to disarm the orwells. However I allow the possibility of good intentions, it would be something I would done but to not draw the ire of the body I would have taken a MS. With me. The three elder bit was a good catch. And I believe a CO can participate in a JC after all he is an elder. It would be odd but perfectly theocrapic, I reserve the right to be totally wrong on that though. Mrs. Orwell you did great, you were not intimidated, thought clearly and were straight to the point without revealing any sticky point that they or he could latch onto. I think the most telling part of the convesation was the awkward moment! Anyhow you set yourself up with a great response ina any further inquiry by saying "ive expressed my concerns with the CO so talk to him"...fada complete. a great example to follow! Others can learn a lot from your experience thanks for sharing. slavenomore

  • *lost*

    B.O. HAWK

    Great use of scripture there.

    I am doing more Bible Reading of substance then ever. lol

    Crikey, can these people just not see what they have become. I can't believe they don't know.

    You know like a wife that 'knows' but she ignores it and carries on with it all. It must drive people bonkers.

    FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM whoooooooooooooooo ..................... lol

  • flipper

    JULIA- You handled this tremendously well ! Give yourself a pat on the back ! Indeed it is rude of elders or C.O's to call unannounced as they are usually only trying to pump JW's for information while masking it with " kindness " in order to do so. I'm sure there are a few C.O.'s like you say who really " care " - however that " care " is always conditional based on them putting the organizations interests first , personal needs of Witnesses second. So I'm glad you are aware of that fact. Hang in there. Hope you get to feeling better my friend

  • Gojira_101

    I'm so happy and proud of you Julia!!!!! You handled yourself very well and you didn't give in to him.

    I'm sorry but I didn't see the kindness coming from him during his visit. Of course I wasn't there so I couldn't actually see it, but how you describe it is how they (all of them) work. They come to you faking love and concern out of one side of their face and then out of the other side of their face they are ready to devour or stab you in the back. Best advice, DON'T let your guard down, ever! Even if they come to you in a "loving matter" that is when you should worry the most.

    As far as Facebook, I deleted all the JW's off of mine, problem solved! The WT has all JW trained so well to spy on people and if someone starts going out of line or doing questionable things, then they go run to the elders.

    How did your husband react to this? Did it help him even a little to see TTATT?

    Hang in there sis!


  • sd-7

    Clever, indeed. Pretty much no JW is actually going to excuse themselves if you tell them you're sick--it's just not in them, especially when blood's in the water.

    But the other thing is, he doesn't even have to actually be in the committee himself, he could just set it up himself and make it appear that he was going to be meeting with you. Probably that would be weird, but not impossible.

    Definitely broke protocol by coming alone. Especially if he thought something was up--but then they've already got the witnesses they need, they just want to press the charges. Steve Hassan definitely mentions the JWs pretty strongly in his last two books, so liking him on Facebook...could be problematic, but to me that could only be so if your accusers had 'guilty knowledge' themselves.

    I'm impressed with how you handled it, but as horrible as it was, I'm glad I at least got to see a judicial committee from the inside so that I knew with finality why I would never want to go back. It's just even after that, they still didn't leave me alone entirely. Showed up unannounced at my door and the Mrs. Stool Pigeon, ahem, Mrs. sd-7, I mean, let them in.

    I feel for you, though. I remember that pain quite well, even three years later, it still seems so fresh. At this point, I think you need to get out. I hope you'll be free of this crap soon. At least you've got a partner who has your back, so thank Black Jesus for that!


  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Thanks everyone! You all tell me I handled it well, and to tell you the truth, I've had so much coaching from you all on JWN that I have you to thank. I've not made the mistake of revealing too much after I first questioned an elder about the pedophile/1874 thing a few months ago, thinking he would actually see the evidence.

    My husband's the kind of guy who never imputes a bad motive to anyone, and so he sees the CO coming (after all, the CO said he wanted to speak to both of us) and elders calling him and turning up at the door as 'love'. "They're just being nice, honey, I just don't see it the way you do." He's very non-confrontational my husband, a truly generous, honest Christian guy. He's great! But gullible. Naive too, even though he's 10 years older than me.

    He's blindsided by the fact the JWs helped him get off drugs and brought stability to his life, and he's grateful to them because that's how he met me. I'm grateful to them for that too. He respects my decisions though and reckons I'm not barking up the wrong tree.

    I go easy on him with TTATT because like SkyGreen, I don't want to push him away!

    Gonna start cleaning out my FB list now. I've also created a separate, 'apostate' account under my JWN username so I can truly be me...

    lotsa love to you all,


  • princecharmant

    Bring the narrative to an end somehow, JO. You seem to be acting out a script that gives you the kicks, but your stories are getting a bit boring.


  • Comatose

    Bravo Julia. Impressed.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    princecharmant :

    "Bring the narrative to an end somehow, JO. You seem to be acting out a script that gives you the kicks, but your stories are getting a bit boring.


    Don't read them then. You can just not click on a topic started by me if you don't want to be bored.

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