Disfellowshipped from Bethel??

by gma-tired2 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gma-tired2

    My question is it harder to be reinstated if you were disfellowshipped while at Bethel. I have someone who I worry about because of fear what he might do? He has been denied at least twice even though he goes to all meeting and has tried so hard.

  • designs

    Certain 'sins' may make the Elders take longer to reinstate someone.

  • gma-tired2

    Watching Porn before it was said to be dfing offence

  • Sapphy

    I understand that the committee that disfellowshipped you has to consent to your reinstatement, so if he peed off whomever dissed him in Bethel he may have a long wait.

  • Iamallcool

    it is called idolatry.

  • BluePill2

    Yep it IS harder. The elders will be hell bent to bring him back in, because he was "special" and "houlier than thou" and should therefore have known...

  • gma-tired2

    Thanks for your answere that goes along with what I heard in the pqst and I spoke of this to his Mom. May my love one hang on and find TTATT

  • villagegirl

    Tell him to read Crisis of Conscience and get OUT and get a LIFE.

    Why is he "trying so hard" ???

    Deut 18:22 If a prophet (sole channel of communication between

    God and mankind/governing body) predicts something,

    and it does not come true

    (examples: 1914 ,1975, 1925 ) do not fear him, he is False Prophet.

    The so-called "faithful and discreet slave" not a sound doctrine,

    is NOT a "Class" It is NOT representing Jehovah or Christ,

    they lie and decieve and never take responsibility, they never say

    "we made a mistake" " its our fault" They blame and blame and

    shame and blame. This is Spiritual ABUSE. They are False Prophets

    who claim to be the "Mediator".

    This means they are 'standing in the holy place'

    So why would you want to be reinstated ???

    They DO NOT HAVE "the sayings of truth"

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Depends on if anyone on the committee has an agenda...Jealously? Difference of opinion? Thorn in the committees side? Stuck up for what was right and is now labeled a TROUBLE-MAKER. etc etc

  • AndersonsInfo

    Sorry to hear about your friend's problems. Yes, it is more difficult to get reinstated if disfellowshipped at Bethel because committees feel that Bethel is the house of God, so wrongdoers have directly sinned against God. And when a person in this situation returns to his home congregation, the elders also take a dim view of him and there usually is no compassion shown.

    On a lighter note, someone I know was disfellowshipped by the Governing Body all of whom are deceased now. At the time of this man's disfellowshipping on charges of covering over an apostasy movement, he was told that if he ever wanted to be be reinstated, he would have to write a letter to the GB members that disfellowshipped him. If he had a change of heart now, do you have any suggestions as to where he would send the letter?

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