BOE Letter: Kingdom News No. 38

by pixel 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • pixel

    TO ALL BODIES OF ELDERS Re: Kingdom News No. 38

    Dear Brothers:

    April 1, 2013

    We are pleased to inform you that in November 2013 a month-long special campaign will focus on a wide distribution of Kingdom News No. 38. The October 2013 Our Kingdom Ministry will feature an article that will provide more details about the campaign. Elders are encouraged to review the following information in an effort to plan for this campaign.


    This was part of a letter. The other paragraphs contained general info about requesting them and how to distribute. Nothing interesting.


  • sir82

    Gosh - another special campaign!

    What's that now - about 40 or 50 special campaigns in the past decade?

    How special that the special GB think we special publishers are so special, that we get a special campaign to especially show off our special zeal!

    Special special special!

    I feel special!

  • flipper

    Anything about it being 99 years since 1914 ? Oh my god ! The sky is falling in 1 more year ! 100 years since Jesus started reigning in heaven ! ( Allegedly ) NOT. The alleged " faithful slobs, er slave " will be solidifying their power in " imminent " fashion to soar to heaven with the Christ !

    Nothing $hit crazy about these folks ! Nope. If ya believe that I've got some cheap real estate to sell you. They should name it Kingdom news No. 134 marking the 134 years since 1879 they've been duping people and yanking their chains

  • straightshooter

    Why do the campaigns bring out more publishers? Because those events are dumbed-down to make it easy for them. Here is your free tract with no long presentation to remember. It helps bring up the witnessing numbers for the WTS.



    Another WBT$ Announcement..

    About a Special Announcement..

    .....................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • 88JM

    Urrrgh - I hope I can fade before then

  • NeonMadman

    How special that the special GB think we special publishers are so special, that we get a special campaign to especially show off our special zeal!

    Special special special!

    Well, isn't that special!!

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    It is so special they all have to wait til November. Are they sure armageddon won't come between now and then?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    It will be just busy work to keep the sheeples on tenterhooks regarding 2014.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Back in my Dub days I would have seen a significance in that announcement and been all excitipated.

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