Identity Crisis: Who Am I?

by Emery 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    I think many of us struggle with these issues. For myself, I was older when I left the organization, so I felt no need to go out and sample all the worldly things I didn't do as one of Jehovah's Witness. I had never taken drugs, smoked cigarettes, or had promiscuous sex, and I wasn't going to start doing those things. I guess at the end of the day I still considered myself Christian, as that was how I was raised, so I continued to live my life by those principles Jesus said to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This golden rules is all that is needed to determine the right thing to do in any given situation.You do not need to be Christian to understand this basic principle.

    I also still believe in the fruitages the spirit, love, Joy, Peace, kindness goodness faith, mildness and self control. I try to apply them in my life.

    On the other hand, I saw no reason to not celebrate holidays. It doesn't violate the golden rule, and if done using the fruitages of the spirit, it can be a very good thing.

    It seems to me the WTBTS is so obsessed with laws and control they have completely lost the meaning of Christ's sacrifice, and are no better than the Pharisees. Its all so simple, really.

  • Phizzy

    I personally know a good number of Atheists who practice morals of a high standard. Generally the morals of us in the non-believing camp are higher than those of believers, the ancient texts that the believers base their morals on leave a lot to be desired.

    I was born-in, but listened to the advice given over the years to build a conscience of my own, yes ! the WT did used to encourage that at one time !

    So, I did not have a problem, and do not, with deciding what is right and wrong, the only difference now is I will not defer to the consciences of others, if I want to do something that is good and right, for example, donate blood, then I don't give flying fudge bar what anyone else thinks.

    The criteria for if something is right or wrong is quite simple, it is the balance between good and harm, very little that we do , if anything at all, is neutral.

    If the harm done, by say telling the truth, outweighs the good, then I will not tell the truth. Harm can be to you or others, good likewise.

    If more harm than good is done, the action is not morally defensible.

  • tiki

    this is interesting. we were so programmed by that fallacy that in order to be a decent upright honorable individual you had to be a witness - all others were evil mishaps awaiting death, doom and destruction. the reality is that ethical behaviors exist in all groups and cultures - and while largely formed by environment can be either developed further or broken down. i still grapple with fundamentalism and certain issues - but i truly believe that the best route is to be kind and considerate - the golden rule.

    i used to get so aggravated with the thing about the witness who found scads of money and did the honest thing and turned it in because he was a if he weren't he'd keep the stash? if you are a decent honorable person it shouldn't matter what religious identification you carry - you do the right thing because you have standards and ethics - and you know that if you lost that $$$ you would be dammed appreciative of the person who returned it. decency is decency.

  • Xanthippe

    Yes I did have an identitiy crisis to start with Emery but as other people have said, I took my time to decide.

    I love alcohol but have to give myself days off it for the sake of my liver and because I find if I drink too much I put weight on. Some can't drink at all because if they do they start having vodka with their cornflakes!

    I hate the idea of smoking because when I grew up my father smoked which is hell to be around if you have a cold or hayfever.

    I rarely lie unless I absolutely have to because I find people who habitually lie screw with their own heads.

    I don't do drugs because my brain chemistry is very delicate anyway.

    Yes I like to gamble occasionally.

    I work hard at my job because clients complain if I don't and managers notice if I do and things go better for me. Managers are more willing to give me the annual leave I want and when I ring in sick they believe me and don't make my life hell.

    I don't have a spouse to cheat on.

    As for issues on war, firearms, gay marriage, abortion, euthanasia, etc etc., I make up my mind on things one at a time weighing all the facts. That's the great thing now, nobody tells me what to believe I just think it through and decide for myself. Love it.

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