The most strangest sounds I ever heard ........

by TheOldHippie 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • TheOldHippie

    I had an experience last night which was the strangest thing I have heard / felt for years ............
    I had shared a bottle of white wine with my wife (I know that "tunes down" the whole thing, but man! half a bottle of wine produces nothing like that ....), she went upstairs to go to bed, it was 10:45 at night, and I let the dog out in the garden for her usual you-know-what. 25 metres away is a small road, there are houses around, and 50 metres down to my left another small road departs.
    I had been out 10 seconds, when suddenly VERY loud noices were all around, like - please don't laugh - Santa Claus with his sleigh came down the road, like sleigh bells sort of, but much louder and more distinct. After some seconds, I managed to make out the direction, and the sound came down the road, from my right towards the left, and it took a fraction of a second to pass my garden. Like "Santa's sleigh" making 200 miles per hour down the small road, whizzing past my garden, and then making the sharp 90 degrees turn to the left and disappearing down the other road to the left. My dog had sought refuge under some bushes and refused to reappear. I had to half-way drag her out of the bushes, she hastily did what she always does at night and ran indoors. As she so did, the sound reappeared from my left, from this other road, and obviously this "thing" came back the way it had left. As the sound became very loud again, I followed the dog ........
    I sat up in bed half the night, talking with my wife, I had the window opened to hear if any more sounds came, she had heard nothing, and our / my guesses ranged from demons thru angels to the "little people" living the Earth together with us, albait invisible .......
    Now what was this? Loud, pointed sleigh-bells sort of, passing with incredible speed and invisibly, making sharp turnes and then reappearing?
    No cheap wine, no flashbacks from earlier "happy" days, no special mood - just plain .... I don't know. I just felt I had to write it down. And so I did.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    What brand was that? I want a bottle!

    Break the chains that bind you,
    unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.
  • plmkrzy


    sure it was just wine in that bottle?

    that is wierd if you didn't SEE anything? Wow.

    No matter how thin you slice it there are always two sides
  • Satanus

    My question also: did you see anything?


  • TheOldHippie

    I saw nothin', and there was no movement in the snow or in trees or branches (or branch offices .......) or anything, just that wild sound.
    The wine was a French white wine, Terrasses d'Azur Chardonnay 2000, just plain French table wine ...........
    Unless some apostate freak had known in beforehand that I would enter the shop just that very day and then poured something Franzy into it to let me have sightings and knowledge to set the sons free .....

  • Satanus

    I suppose the atheists here will have some opinions on this. Having read about a few 'ghost hauntings', what you describe has some similarities to those. If that is true, you might hear the same thing at the same place again.


  • Satanus

    Another possibility is electromagnetism. The right frequencies can make the brain simulate sounds. But would that scare your dog? Maybe. Just thoughts.


  • DazedAndConfused

    I would say to pay real good attention to news coverage in your area. A few years ago I saw, but did not hear, a phenomenan (sp) that I could not explain but a couple of years later it was in the news....exactly how I remembered my "experience", and 3,000 miles away.

  • Abaddon

    It's part of a conspiracy between the New World Order (now fronted by Queen Elizabeth II, as her mum is dead (both of whom are hyper-intelligent reptiles from the Rigel system) and the pixies, some of whom have stolen highly confidental Sleigh Technology from Santa and are using it to their own ends.

    Dogs would react to electro magnetism too; to prove this just stick one with a metal collar under one of those big electro-magnets they have in scrap yards on cranes and turn it on (the magnet, not the dog).

    Seriously, I don't know. Obviously it was real to you, and may well have been just as real to anyone standing next to you. Beyond that, it's hard to say.

  • Celia

    Wow ! What an experience !
    And if the dog heard it too, you were not dreaming.
    UFOs ???

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