If anyone needs the unleavened bread recipe....

by Newly Enlightened 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Sorry it's so late in the day with this.

    If anyone would like the passover bread recipe:

    1 cup Whole wheat flour, 2 Tbls Olive Oil [extra virgin] 1/2 cup water. mix. knead for a minute, roll out and bake in 350* oven for 20 min.

  • cobaltcupcake

    Oh yum!

  • sd-7

    Hey, even I can do that one. I should totally make some. For some reason, I always seemed to forget the word "unfermented" and hear the word "cake" when I read those Bible accounts...but of course it doesn't taste like the kind of cake I would like, so... Only excuse for that is probably that I was always hungry at the meetings...or just assumed it would taste good because I wanted to make it interesting in my imagination...


  • MrFreeze

    Or you could just serve up some cardboard. It tastes the same.

  • AnnOMaly

    Ah no. If you add oil and a little salt, it doesn't turn out like cardboard.

    2 cups of plain wholewheat flour,

    1 tablespoon olive oil,

    ½ tsp. salt,

    enough warm water to make a dough.

    After kneading, split up into egg-sized clumps, roll out to tea plate size, and put under hot grill for a couple of minutes until they blister then turn over.

  • sd-7

    But don't they sell these in the grocery store this time of year? I was thinking of just picking some up that way.


  • AnnOMaly

    Homemade's better and it's real easy.

  • NeonMadman

    Does the flour need to be whole wheat? I'm going for the drywall flavor here...

  • snare&racket

    Would it be wrong to make a Jesus pizza? Throw in a little garlic to the crunch bread.... Bit of cheese n sauce, maybe a little sausage , you could add humours just to keep Jesus onside.....

  • soontobe

    I like mine with extra cheesus.

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