BOE Letter: Rules to deal with rules

by pixel 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    If this was an opening to credit volunteering at hospitals or disaster sites as time served, I would be all for it. Though I don't believe counting time and deeds is the proper Christian thing to do (cf. Matthew 10:8) it is certainly better than the status quo, that is to say, demanding field service as a be-all and end-all.

    This may, however, also be another method to inflate sagging pioneer numbers. We've seen hourly quotas contract, possibly as much as they can for the time being: reading between the lines, perhaps the response was still not enough to 'pad the numbers' and a horizontal expansion of what is considered pioneering is now being considered.

    What do the rest of you think?

  • pixel

    Lol @ fernando.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I remember a lot of noise about elders serving on building committies. They can count their time while working a quickbuild. I know in my congregation it was a big deal as most of the elders serving were on the building committie and rarely went out in service. This sisn't stop them from removing another elder who did street work but wouldn't knock on doors.

    It's all just a made up religion

  • Fernando


  • Giordano

    Apart from being demented....... the WTBTS can't get their heads out of their arses when it comes to counting time. Quality time is far more important then quantity. But that's why JW's are failing....they focus on the wrong things............

  • minimus

    Many will say that Jehovah has lovingly provided this new rule/lol

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    I was a regular pioneer (90hours) also my husband. We had one child and I was expecting our second. My husband and I did cleaning to support ourselves. When the big renovation of a circuit assembly hall came along my husband was asked to go in fulltime. His service hours were counted as part of the renovation project. However he could not always get to the morning worship at 8.00am that came before the start of the work at the site. He was up with me at 4.00am cleaning and then drove for one hour to get to the site. One brother at the entrance kept telling him it was not good enough that he was late for the day's text. Finally my husband told him that if he was willing to take his work for him at 4 in the morning then he would gladly get there in time for the day's text.

    It was shortly after the completion of the project that the elders asked me to go into the "back" room to discuss why I was low on my pioneer hours for that year, I missed the 1000hours by about 70, keeping in mind the project and being pregnant and having a small toddler. At that time I had around 6 bible studies and each assembly we had one of our studies baptiized. None of this meant anything to them, three men said I should step down as it was obviously too much for me. I was so mad, I just resigned and told them I would not be pioneering anymore, after 8 years and over 15 studies baptized. They were not thinking of my well being, only of figures as they said I had not got in my time for some months. I used to get up early to help my husband get off to the site many times pushing our old car (Yes while pregnant!) to get it going as it would often not start. We took a car full of volunteers down to the site at the weekends....none of this seemed to count in their books.

  • pixel

    Thanks Chicken for sharing. in the WT world, is all about the numbers.

  • Rattigan350

    Cobalt said:

    That month he had a very low FS report, and the elders told him they couldn't recommend him because of his low FS hours that month

    No, they couldn't recommend him because he was not creative enough with his report. If people care about being recommended, why not report higher hours?

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