Well... I got my 'invite'

by Jim_TX 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sayswho

    I've gotten several,,, at work an home. They mean well , they just don know! If where i worked was not mostly Jws I would have a different demineralization! I would be really free. Oh to dream 0:)


  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    I haven't had a witness reach me at home in over a decade. I'm in a different territory than the hall I go to. As a single woman, I wouldn't answer the door unless I knew who was there.

    @justlois. I enjoy your posts - hope your tears have dried and you are feeling more positive. There are many I'd like to help awaken, but I have to move on. There are moments where it definitely gets to me, too.

  • talesin

    My address is on their DNC list, by request, so they don't come to my door. I would not even have thought of it, if I hadn't read it here.

    It does explain why my weekly calls to my ailing parents have been difficult ... they've both been downright mean and rude this week, practically hung up on me. Jeez, I'm only calling to see how they are feeling. That always happens at Memorial time.

    Dunno why I even bother anymore.


  • ambersun

    ((((((Just Lois))))))

    I really feel for you reading your post. Nobody could possibly understand unless they have been through it themselves, and it must be especially tough for you having been a JW for so many years. Your emotions must have been all over the place when your friend, a member of a much loved family who you obviously miss very much, suddenly appeared on your doorstep with an invite to the memorial. I am not surprised you felt the pull back, and of course this is exactly what the GB count on happening.

    Believe me, if I could beam myself across the ocean and give you a real hug I would. I really, really would. You are a lovely lady and I sincerely hope you get your wish and help your friend and his family to open their eyes one day as you have done.

    Take care of yourself Lois

  • Fernando

    I wonder if this is a GB inspired scheme to contact all ex-JWs?

    Ours was hand delivered in an envelope.

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • ambersun

    You could be right Fernando. We haven't had one, but we've recently moved so I don't think the local congregation are aware there are ex JWs living here - yet

  • crmsicl

    I didn't get an invite yet. They have been coming once a year since we left 4 years ago. Last year we didn't answer. If they're going to come today would be the day. I ran into a couple yesterday, Saturday. We were pseudo friends with them over the years. We were on a walk at a popular location in my area and my husband had dropped off behind me to use the restroom while I kept walking. They had to have seen me first as they were nonchalontly turning toward the parking lot. I called out loudly and cheerfully: Hello-o-o 'Sally and Norman'. She turned to look at him to avoid me while he casually turned around and said "Hello, How are you?" I kept up my pace because I just wanted to say Hi and replied "Good, How are you guys". But no answer and I was continuing my stride.

    So I'm wondering if my friendly gesture will induce a visit. I hope we can get out of here soon. We have plans to meet our son, dil, and grand child for a special occasion. They are missing the meeting for our rendezvous. yay.

  • Jim_TX

    Fernando may have it correctly, as the JWs have never - to my knowledge - worked this mobile home park in the last ten years or so, that I've been here - even though their local KH is right behind it - across the street.

    No one knows that I am an ex-jw living here - I am not in any territory where I used to attend any kh. The only people who know my address are the ex-wife (well, she knows my ex-address - I have moved within the park), and my sister & brother.

    So, it could be a set-up, where my addy was given to the locals to be called on. I just don't like to think that I am so special that someone would try that with me, and prefer to think that they were calling on everyone in the park... although my mother-in-law lives only three houses away, and they didn't call on her - even though she was outside, which would make her more accessible.


    Jim TX

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