How long did you keep rooting for Walter White?

by slimboyfat 36 Replies latest social entertainment

  • slimboyfat

    Isn't this guy like the greatest anti-hero of all time?

    As the series wears on it is getting more and more difficult to sympathise with the guy. But I must admit I stuck with him pretty far. When he turned to crime you could understand why. When he killed te first couple of dealers it looked like there was no other option after he tried everything else. When he refused help from his alienated multimillionaire college friend his stubbornness could just about be excused. But when he stood by and allowed Jesse's girlfriend choke to death that was a pretty rough ride. And then killing Gayle and poisoning the young boy and then Mike. But I think I was right there with Walt all the way through all of that, right up to the moment he started threatening his own wife. That's when he lost my sympathy. If all his sacrifices and stupid choices were not for her sake then what was the point of it all? He lost his way right there.

    At what point did WW lose your sympathy?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I love breaking Bad. It's the best. The drama, the cliff hangers, the tension.

    If it was predictable it wouldn't be so good.

    I dont know if Walts lost my sympathy. I know a lot of people feel like you do though.

    I will say I wouldnt want to deal with Walt. And Mike should have followed his initial gut feeling

    regarding Walt.

  • slimboyfat

    I thought Mike was one of the best characters, but he was a nasty bastard himself who would have killed Walt much earlier when Fring told him to if he had the chance.

    I think the camerawork is amazing on the show: the shots of the desert, and shots of mundane objects, all filled with meaning. And the light touches of comedy are brilliant, like when Walt was fixated on a mustard stain, and when Walt and Pinkman lifted the barrel instead of rolling it, and when Ted Beneke knocked himself out in his own house - hilarious! Hank is another great character, easier to like unconditionally. They are all great characters. Oh and the lawyer too, fantastic.

    There are not a lot of pretty girls in the show however which is a bit of a drawback, the exception being Jane who they promptly killed off.

  • Tater-T

    I think when he started abusing his relationship with Jesse.. he expects everything from him and really gives no consideration for him..

    I love the show, but I only watched it once so specific details are missing.. but it seems I haven't liked walter for some time.. I think the power went to his head long ago..

    I can't wait for the finally.. I need to go rent, or better yet I wish they replay a marathon.. to refresh..

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I haven't watched any of season 5 yet, and I'm damn near afraid to read the preceding posts. Are they spoiler free?

  • slimboyfat

    Oh oh sorry I would not read my posts above unless you are up to date with the series.

    If you haven't watched the first half of season five then get watching it now!

  • BluesBrother

    I don't think "Breaking Bad" has been shown in the U K ......although I have heard of it. Is it good?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    ok, thanks for the warning and recomendation, Slimboy!!! Exiting thread.............

  • Emery

    SPOILER ALERT: After the kid on the bike got shot he lost my sympathy. Especially after the Mike incident, I loved Mike!

    I find myself having a lot of parallels with the psychology of the story. Living a double life as an "apostate" among my JW friends and Walt's double life with his DEA brother-in-law haha. Fake it till you make it.

  • EntirelyPossible

    Walter has lost his way. Unless the show completely wimps out, the end of this show will be brutal time infinity. So far, Walter has always come out on top. Will he this time? What does on top mean? Will he sacrifice Hank? His family? Jesse?

    Oh the suspense!

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