Are there more XJWs than JWs?

by punkofnice 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ABibleStudent

    How many of those exJWs are still controlled by the WTBTS?

    My guess is more than 50%, which is very sad. There are a lot of WTBTS apologist out there. The WTBTS's mind-control is very powerful.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • BlindersOff1

    If you include inactives . I think there are more .

    Then theres the many never baptized bornins .

  • Bella15

    oh yeah, by far I'd say ...

  • Bella15

    oh yeah, by far I'd say ...

  • Fernando

    I suspect it is quite possible.

    How does one argue with PEWs 37% retention rate?

    The Pharisees (elders) and Sanhedrin (GB) tell you they are God's mouthpiece and disaffected persons are from the devil.

    Through DF, DA and shunning the disaffected are silenced into oblivion from the point of view of a Watchtower follower.

    During my 4 decades as a misguided Watchtower loyalist and apologist I had zero information on the world of the disaffected.

    I suspect the one thing the Watchtower would most like to hide is the total number that have left. Next would be the doctrinal and ethical reasons for leaving. This must be a huge embarrassment that exposes their manmade organisation as desperately sick from foundation to core.

    (Why does the "true religion" secretly blind its followers to the "Good News" according to Paul, Moses, Isaiah and Psalms?)

  • punkofnice

    Phizzy - My thoughts are that the XJWs outnumber those left in the cult.

    thomasaquinas - Good thoughts. Thanks for the link.

    CADSkin - I appreciate your input on this. Those are interesting observations.

    Tater-T - COC is a valuable source of intel.

    Theocratic Sedition - That's a valuable observation. I wonder if those left in are mostly the pre 1975 die hards and the post 1975 ones that didn't live thru 1975 like I did.

    ABiblestudent - I agree. There are those that have left but who are still mentally 'in' so to speak.

    Blindersoff1 - Yes. We can't forget the non craptized ones, you're right.

    Bella15 - Repetition for emphasis LOL

    Fernando - Ah yes. The PEW report. I'd forgotten about that.

  • jgnat

    Yes. According to the attached, 0.7% of the US population self-declared as Jehovah's Witnesses in 2007. That's just over two million adherents. What was the peak publisher count that year?

    There will always be more ex-JW's and nominal JW's than "true" witnesses - the "publishers".

  • jam

    My family, 45 still fanatical brain dead JW,s, only three have

    left. ( me and my two sons since the 1960,s).

  • punkofnice

    Jgnat - Thanks forthe link. Interesting stats

    Jam - I'm glad you're out. I hope many more of your family wake up.

  • Quandry

    My husband and I were just thinking yesterday that probably half the people at the Kingdom Halls would like to fade but are there because they worry about the other half finding out.

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