Elders need to see things from Jehovah's perspective in a child molestation case

by suavojr 11 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • suavojr

    While preaching this past Saturday 3-16-13 the following conversation took place in my car with an elder from my cong, my wife, a retired sister and myself.

    Me: Addressing my wife I asked her: Do you know how is brother (moron) that crashed his car into a fire station while drunk?

    wife: Don't know. Last thing I heard was that he was in a critical condition. At this point the elder chimes in. Elder: Poor guy! He was a witness? Me: Yes Elder: Now he is in trouble not only with the law but in bigger problems with the congregation. Me: Yes he is Wife: Elder know it all, will he get df'd? Elder: Let me ask all of you? I was not expecting this question. Elder: If a brother is accused of molesting a child and he shows repentance, he says to the elders he really is sorry. Should this person get df'd? There was a long silence in the car and you can imagine why. Personally, this blew me away, I was wondering who is the pervert in my KH. But what do you know... the 70+ jw lady in the car said (IN A LOUD VOICE) with a face ready to rip the elder apart. senior JW: A PERSON LIKE THAT NEEDS TO GET DF'D AND SENT TO JAIL!!!! Elder: Shhhhh! People might here us. You need to see it from Jehovah's perspective. What if this brother is truly repentant? For example, in a case of fornication we cannot conclude the person is guilty automatically. Me: NO. It is not a fornication case, in a fornication case you have two consenting people, generally adults. In a pedophile case, you have an adult harming a child and causing pain for the rest of that persons life. Wife: That is correct!! NO MAN COMMITTING SUCH A CRIME SHOULD BE TREATED LIGHTLY. Elder: That is where it can get complicated, we as elders need see things how Jehovah sees it. Let's say if a child accuses a brother of rape, should this brother get df'd? The authorities would simply take him away. But we cannot treat people this way, we are in God's org. Me: Yes this is true, but authorities also have trained people that will question the child to determine if someone told him to say what he said. Also, the authorities will investigate the situation from all different angles. I understand the system is not perfect, but an accusation coming from a child needs to be taken seriously. To summarize. The elder brought up the two witness rule and defended the WT policies and procedures. (AMAZING, ALL IN FRONT OF REGULAR PUBLISHERS) My wife and the elderly JW sister were not happy to hear of the possibility of mercy towards a child molester and I was left with the sour taste and concern of who is the pervert within my hall. How can you see things from Jehovah's perspective if elders cannot read hearts, do not have special powers or the holy spirit from God?
  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    BULLSHIT I know personally of folk who were EXTREMELY repented for the most innocent of offenses and the fucking elders couldn't wait to drop the heavy end of the hammer on her!!!


    Fuckers were so sick they had her HUSBAND do the KM announcement's and invite the elder up (UNKOWNING TO THE GUY) to read his wife was DF'd and than turn it back over to him...FUCKING BASTIDS!

  • happy@last

    I've just put money in the swear box!! Unbelieveable, they still don't get it!!!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Sounds like a true company man. Let's see how much a company man he is when this happenes to a member of his own family

  • frankiespeakin

    Elders do not need to have Jehovah's perspective because that would be a delusion to think one knows what Jehovah is thinking, and this type of delusional thinking rampant in "Jehovah's Corporation" as they tell the rank and file what makes the diety sad and happy.

    Elders need to develope compassion for the children so as to keep them from harm at such a tender age.

    They really need to get out of this imaginary magical thinking and Black and white thinking of what makes Jehovah sad or happy and face reality.

  • Chaserious

    I am confused since it seems like there are two issues here. The elder's first question seemed to be about whether repentance should prevent DF'ing of a child molester. But then it seems like the real discussion was about what to do when there is arguably not enough proof of whether the abuse took place.

    It seems obvious that the answer to the second question should be to alert the authorities and let them do a real investigation and warn the accused not to be in the presence of any children in the meantime.

  • suavojr

    This my friends is the sad reality among many elders within the JW's. They still don't understand it is the 21st century and not the 19th century.

  • suavojr

    forgot to metion that this elder said if the police finds sufficient proof against the person, gets sentenced but within the congo they don't have two witnesses, they cannot dissfellowship.

  • truthseekeriam

    It's exactly what happens! Molesters are given all the rights and treated as if they themselves are the victims of some lying child.

    I will never forget the elders telling me that our child's molester had every right to be in the same KH as his child victim. Makes me just ill thinking back:(

  • sir82
    Let's say if a child accuses a brother of rape, should this brother get df'd? The authorities would simply take him away.

    Of course! There wouldn't even be a trial or anything! He'd be "taken away".

    What kind of idiots do you have growing down there?

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