Another New Member

by lriddle80 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • lriddle80

    Hi Everyone!

    I have been out of the "truth" for about 13 years, but 9 of those years I was someone who was out but thinking I would probably go back at some point...out but not all the way out mentally. My family are still active members and I am a little bit shunned, not invited to family get togethers, that sort of thing. I was one of those people that left and then did drugs and partied for a while. It was fun, but that kind of fun only lasts so long and then the guilt sets in. I was invited to a baptist church about 4 years ago and was scared! I prayed to Jehovah that if he didn't want me to go there then make something happen to stop it, but he didn't so I went. It actually wasn't as bad as I had imagined and they preached just about the same stuff. After a while of going I really understood what Jesus' sacrfice meant and asked for him to save me. I got rebaptized because the first time I was baptized I was just doing it to get a party and gifts (I was 14). My family pretty much thinks I worship the devil, but we don't really talk about it anymore. I have been slowly learning the "truth about the truth" and sometimes I read stuff and get judgemental inside thinking they are all clueless as to believe that, but then I'll read somewhere in the bible about how we shouldn't judge anyone else regarding if they are true believers and I feel a little bad about it. I didn't know that their bible was changed in so many places, or the history of the changed beliefs, or the amount of mind control that is used. It is hard to be a JW and then leave. The mental anxiety is tough, but eventually it does get better. Lingering doubts still sometimes arrive, even after all of these years. I discovered this site when I was looking up information about the district convention last year and learned how they do the mind control there, it was fascinating! Then I decided to become a memeber here when I read about the "new light" and it's just been really refreshing to be amongst people that really understand what it is like. So, thanks for everyone here and I'm glad to be here!!

  • cobaltcupcake

    Welcome Iriddle!

  • vajeni82

    Nice to have you with us! I'm fairly new to the forum myslef. Like you I have been out for quite a while though (11 y ears). I think you will be surprised at a lot to fhe things you will learn here. You will hear many stories & hopefully make some friends too.

  • mouthy

    1riddle80 Great to have you aboard... Yes this is a great site. I have been on it for over 11 yrs,

    I know how hard it was for you to leave...But to be FREE from mind control is a real gift from God! I believe
    You say you are a LITTLE bit shunned??? I hope those who DONT shun you will still befriend you & those
    who do shun you will come to realize the truth" the WT teaches is really the lie....

    Great to ee you

  • *lost*

    Hi I'm new too. Been lurking for a few weeks.

    What puzzles me is, does anyone else who is now awake still believe in God, Jesus and the Bible's messsage, cos I do. I don't want to lose that. The spirituality side of things. I'm very conflicted about it. Cos where else can we go ?

    I'm interested in what you said about Baptist church. I have heard they do actually study the Bible etc similar to witnesses.

  • lriddle80

    Thanks everyone! I never did go to the elders to be disfellowshipped, so that's why I am only a little bit shunned and not all the way, haha! I actually don't believe in their disfellowshipping and senseless lables, so that's why I won't do it! I pray for my family, but they are so into it socially and so for them, it would be a miracle if they left! I do think it is a gift from God and am happy to be free...when I think of being a JW in my mind, I am wearing a straight jacket!! In this church that I go to, they don't really tell you exactly how to be and exactly how to serve God in a cookie-cutter way, so for me, I really get serve God in a genuine way...since there are not requirements, I am doing it because I love God, not because of the list I have to obey. So that's really great and when I mess up and do something that, for me, is a sin, then I am able to repent on my own and pray to God, because Jesus died so my sins can be forgiven. I love the freedom to worship God in whatever way I want and so it's been great!!

  • 00DAD


    I'm sure JWN is growing at a rate that must be scaring the you-know-what out of the Boys from Brooklyn.

    Fortunately for them, their full of plenty of it!

  • lriddle80

    Doctrinally, yes a baptist church is different, and was a little hard to accept at first. The trinity, crosses, holidays, Jesus' diety, heaven, hell...those things I feel you have to work out on your own using the bible, prayer and lots of discussion. I feel I have a grasp on each of them for the most part...I think the important part is the core: Jesus is God's son, he died for our sins, God raised him from the dead and if we believe that then we are saved Romans 10:9...all that other stuff if pretty speculative, if you ask me! But it's fun to think about and to research, for sure. Surely nothing to argue about, though, as I grew up witnessing and hearing.

  • Mum

    Hello, lriddle.

    I exited in 1979. For two years, I was not mentally free. Then I had a meeting with the elders. The behavior and tactics of those contemptible lowlife men convinced me that no god of any consequence or any sense of good, fairness and justice would ever get near those b**tards.

    Welcome to freedom.



  • happy@last

    Welcome here. I love in your intro: " I prayed to Jehovah that if he didn't want me to go there then make something happen to stop it, but he didn't so I went." That bit made me LOL

    Anyway, glad you found us, it is a good feeling to be able to share thoughts with people that understand the 'mentality' of having been associated with the WTBS

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