What do they want from me?

by MrFreeze 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wholly

    If you go back to meetings you are showing a humble spirit and the Organization will allow Holy Spirit to descend upon you, releasing you from the grip of satanic influence which will cause you to see the error of your ways, cease independent thought, refuse to follow your heart and submit to the authority of the governing body who intervenes between your relationship with you and your savior so that you can live through judgement day and enjoy everlasting life in perfect conditions in paradise with all of god's creations who will sing with praise and joy that you came to the meetings so all of this could happen and it will make your family and friends even stronger in their faith to a man made religion.

    I'm new at circular reasoning, there may be some loopholes. Will consult with board of directors and issue further ruling as necessary or if enough murmmering occurs.

  • ruderedhead

    Mr.Freeze, are you serious, you never made donations?! Did you not feel guilty? I know that I felt guilty when they were talking about how they needed money. Wish I knew then what I know now! Makes me so angry when I think of some women I knew who didn't have a pot to pee in, but after an assembly or convention talk about the need to give, the example of the widow,etc. would put what they had in the donation (shake down) box. Good for you, MrFreeze!


    Why would they want to see me at meetings?

    JW`s Can`t Believe..

    You don`t believe it`s "The Truth"..

    I Can`t Believe.. I Can`t Believe..

    It`s Not Hitler!!.. It`s Not "The Truth!!"..

    .......................  photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • MrFreeze

    LOL@Wholly, let me know what you find.

    @ruderedhead, I was baptised at 13. By the time I actually had a job so I could donate I knew what was going on. I had no desire to give them any money.

    @Outlaw... once again you outdo yourself.

  • designs

    'return to Jehovah' is one of those things we all got drummed into our heads. They, the JWs still active, have are hard time comprehending the game is over for us.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Yep........they are POSITIVE that if you drag yourself to the meetings.....eventually you will hear a talk that will open your eyes and make you "return to Jehovah".

  • Ding

    It's all about numbers and appearances.

  • Hortensia

    It's just a tape they run. It's automatic to say those things. They aren't even really thinking at all.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
  • new22day

    Out there question for you ex JWs - do any of you think it would be possible to be swayed back if you started hearing all that propaganda (over and over) again? It is pretty insidious stuff...?

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