All of Bethel Know About The Child Molestation Law Suits: And The Governing Body Is Looking Very Bad In Most Bethlites Eyes I'm Willing To Bet

by frankiespeakin 19 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • frankiespeakin

    Ok we had the Silent Lambs march years ago right there at head quarter over this issue, don't you think that caused a lot of gossip, and Expose on a big ABC network called 20/20, and many in Europe, Canada, all about how bad the Governing Body's policies are on children.

    Now we have out of court settlements with victims with a gag order, Conti big case, and many more. So I would think everyone at Bethel knows about the Governing Body's mishandleling of these matters.

    I'm sure this, a long with the Big New Light about the Governing Body alone make of the Faithful Slave are causing many a lot of irritation and so are seeing these guys now in a different light.

  • whathappened

    I hope you are right. It is unbelievable how anyone could believe that they are God's visible earthly organization.

  • metaspy

    The thing is my brother is in Patterson headquarters - he said "I would rather be wrong and a jw than be right and in the world". Thus was after I confronted him 3 years ago on molestations.

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm sure that some may have had the same view as your brother but I bet all that is changing fast.

  • williamhconley

    Unfortunately Bethelites are extremely sheltered from any negative facts about the WT. I was there 6 yrs and never knew about Olin Moyle lawsuit, Beth Sarim, Leo Greenlees pedophilia etc. Most JWs are conditioned to avoid critical thinking and life away from being a JW is to be on Satans side even if the facts prove they are outright liars and false prophets. Also consider that leaving the WT means losing family, friends, marriage and the special feeling of being important.

  • Gayle

    I was there 5 years, never read a newspaper during that time, didn't even have a tv for a few years there but never watched much and never the news. I was never aware of any such thing as child molestation within the organization back then. I imagine many to most Bethelites now would be about the same.

  • flipper

    FRANKIE- Interesting thread. I hope you are right that some of this information has leaked into Bethelites consciousness- but I'm not betting my life on it for the most part. WT Society is like the huge government corporation in George Orwell's book 1984 where WT leaders constantly try hiding ANY incriminating conduct on the art of the Society by sweeping it under the rug or telling JW's that Satan is using the media to persecute them and that apostates are spreading lies about them. It's an uncanny way of re-creating each Bethelites and rank & file JW's perception of reality by basically LYING to them in order to keep control of JW's- including bethelites. One can only hope some will defect from Bethel who don't want to be controlled by WT leaders anymore. That's why it's good to keep exposing this $hit by threads like yours here to wake people up ! Good thread, thanks for posting

  • mP


    I hope you are right. It is unbelievable how anyone could believe that they are God's visible earthly organization.

    What makes you think "God" is good ? Have you read what he orders in the OT ? Its always Jehovah of Armies who rape, kill and pillage, never Jehovah the peaceful nice guy who helps orphans.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The GB is looking bad in most bethelites ayes? Hardly! Get real. Most bethelites and JW's think the sun shines outta their bums, no matter what. Any criticism is just lies and twisted stuff made up by apostates don't you know.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    Not a good bet. It's like trying to decide which is more relevant, reality or truth.

    It always comes down to what you choose to believe.

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