Belated Intro to Rubadubdub. My hubby lurked on JWN for the first time last night!

by rubadubdub 28 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Ding

    Thank you for sharing, and welcome to you both!

  • jgnat

    Great story!

    Any reduction of the PTST/depression symptoms?

  • rubadubdub

    Jgnat, thanks for asking, my depression is non-existant now. We lived in the northern part of town in a rual area for nine years. Within walking distance to my house was a road called World's End Swamp Hollow Road. The name and the place depicted my life as a dub. I am no longer wading thigh deep through a swamp every day of my life.

    Unfortunately, my PTSD was recently reactivated by the Sandy Hook, CT USA shootings. My PTSD is not entirely related to being a dub, but it certainly didn't help matters! I do still have nightmares about being trapped in the cult as well, so I am back in therapy for all that. Fortunately, I can now be fully open and honest about what I'm thinking and feeling, so maybe the therapy will actually be effective this time. How is a therapist supposed to help when you can only say you are a JW, divorce is not an option and you can't talk about "spiritual matters"? In reality there is no way a therapist can help a fully indoctrinated cult member.

    Colbalt Cupcake, thanks for using my nickname from Yuku! I love your blog!

  • flipper

    RUBADUBDUB- Wow. What a story ! You've certainly been through the mill. You aren't alone. WT Society nearly drove most of us crazy as well. be glad we are out and have our freedom of mind my friend. We are here for you as a support. Glad to have you and your husband here ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • 00DAD

    Wow, what a story.

    Welcome and thanks for sharing!

    Glad you're finally on a road that is the real life: your life.


  • rubadubdub

    Thanks Flipper and 00Dad, The real life we are living now is nothing compared to the carrot dangled in front of us for so long! Hubby and I are staying in a tiny "villa" on the edge of a nature preserve on Long Key in Florida this week. We were greeted by a lovely night heron! We'll be kayaking in the mangroves and snorkeling. I'll be doing some photography and yoga. Looks like we will be meeting up with a fellow sailor from for a sail as well. Horrors! Meeting up we some worldly guy who we don't even know and who 'hides who he is' on Satan's tool, the internet! Lol!

  • Balaamsass

    Thanks for opening up ....and WELCOME!!

  • flipper

    RUBADUBDUB- Enjoy your Florida vacation with hubby and friends ! Enjoy living life once again ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • rubadubdub

    Flipper, I think I've become addicted to key lime pie! Hubby did his intro post under the user name bethelyellowdollarbag. He's hoping that may jog someone's memory!

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