Being Single...

by wonderwoman77 14 Replies latest social relationships

  • wonderwoman77

    Hello out there! I was just thinking about being single today. I feel like it is the yin-yang experience. There is good and bad with the whole experience. I really see the good and having my inderpendence and being able to focus on my graduate work with out that strain of keeping a relationship as well. But then I miss the compainship of having someone there to care about and to share experiences with. Someone that I can share all parts of my life with and be a true compainion to. I told myself I would wait until school was done, but I feel like searching for a partner now. It is like the pros and cons balance themselves out and I do not know which way to choose. It is like my own personal paradox...

    Well anyway...thanks for listening to my ramblings

  • Beans

    Singles want to get married and the married want to be single. What a confusing topic! When you find someone whom you think you want to spend your life with will this be the same person in ten years? I think marriage is something you should try once and mabey twice if you really struck out the first time. Yes it is a great thing to have someone to talk with and sort out life with and I hope you find that someone.


  • neyank

    Better to be single and happy than married and miserable.


  • SYN

    I agree with NEYank. Find someone special if you can...there's a lid for every pot

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • COMF

    I would wait until school was done

    Listen to your own words of wisdom. Do your graduate work. Smart girl.


  • wonderwoman77

    Thanks for you that replied. I was not saying I had to get married right away, just would like to be in a relationship, yet like comf said, I prolly will wait until school is done with, which is really not that far away, but whatever, thanks for listening to me :)

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    (((steph))) good luck with finishing school, and finding the right person when yer ready
    i agree, both being single and hooked up have their pros and cons.. i guess it's just whatever works for you depending on the time in your life and stuff.

    i've kinda been having the 'i wanna get married' thing going on lately .. been single wayyyyy too long

  • AvailableLight

    I agree with what COMF said up to a point - a relationship can be a real distraction when you are trying to focus on reaching a goal.

    On the other hand, a healthy friendship can also be a motivator whether the nature of the friendship is romantic or not. Ever work out? Do you think it's easier and more enjoyable with a partner? This is partly because you have someone with whom you're sharing a common goal, and you are encouraged by each other's progress and success.

    But then again, romantic relationships tend to consume every ounce of your attention in their early stages, regardless of whether you think you will "allow them" to or not, and that could slow you down. While you may be able to avoid that to some degree by finding someone who is working towards a similar life objective, that's not always easy or ideal.

    Certainly a lot to think about.

    Another factor is priority - to a lot of people relationships are more important than education and the extra prosperity it can bring. There's nothing wrong with that viewpoint either.

    Ultimately, you need to figure out what you think will make you happiest. There is no guarantee that finishing school will make your life immediately better - even if your definition of happiness is material wealth. It does, however, increase your odds.

  • peaceloveharmony

    end of may i'll be coming up on my one year of being single. so far i'm enjoying it and i know what not to do in my next adventure in romance hehe. i do miss having that someone special around but am not willing to just be with anyone. i wouldn't say i'm searching for someone but well, always open to the possibility. my problem is i hate dating!! the whole "date" thing just turns me off. i just want to go out and have fun and not worry about who's paying or if i have to or should kiss him goodnight (esp. if i'm not very interested in him.) i also think my town is just too damn small. everyone seems to know someone i know. i'm just dating retarded. my last boyfriend and i started out as buds which turned into something more. and then turned into something bad....

    i'm looking for someone who wants to go out and have a good time, talk about real things, likes sex and won't become a possessive jerk or try to change me. also someone who needs their independence since i'm just figuring out how great it is to not be dependant on someone else for my happiness. so anyone know where i can find a guy like this? :)

    since i left my ex i've realized a lot about myself, my tendencies with guys and my reactions to things. i am working on myself so i hopefully won't attract psychos, losers and jerks :)

    bea, marriage!! you talking crazy talk now ;)

    ww, thanks for starting this thread :) good luck with school and life!

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    ahahaha harm, i know . trust me, this feeling will go away as soon as i get back into a relationship .

    and good post hun!

    (¯`·.¸the deeper the wound i'm inside you¸.·´¯)

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