Jews for Jesus

by nativenyr23 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nativenyr23

    I've done a little research since leaving the WTS and am having difficulting sorting out what i really believe in. After some studying of different faiths and their doctrines, I find I can relate to the jewish faith....but i DO believe in Jesus. So i found out about this faith called Jews for Jesus.

    Anyone here know anything about them? Am a little interested but of course a little scared to venture too far out there.

  • SixofNine

    Why not go it on your own for a few good, productive, introspective years?

    In other words, less "belief" and more "sorting out".

    God has your address and phone number, he'll be in touch if you need him (and his address is not at a church).

    Here is the logic: why would god ever, or ever have, communicated with humans through another human? It's rediculous to believe, once you think about it.

    Think about it.

  • borgfree


    I do not know very much about them, I received their newsletter for a couple of years. They were meeting at Blue Mountain Christian Retreat in Pennsylvania the week before the Witnesses Now For Jesus convention in October.

    What little I know of them, I think they are a good group and doing a very good outreach to the Jewish people.


    "We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home." Edward R. Murrow
  • nativenyr23

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I suppose I could "go it alone" for a while...but I have kids and I feel i need to teach them something....have been visiting a non-denominational church and it's not bad. Just not sure if i'm going in the right direction. Plus, i want my kids to have something other than what my ex is offering (he's still a witness). He's working his butt off to make sure they turn out to be witnesses....and i SO want to offer them an alternative.

  • plmkrzy

    Jews for Jesus.

    I saw them in a movie once.

    "Air Plane"

  • SixofNine
    but I have kids and I feel i need to teach them something
    He's working his butt off to make sure they turn out to be witnesses....and i SO want to offer them an alternative.

    How about teaching them to ask intelligent questions without fear from man or god? Then your work will be done, and you won't go to your grave having "taught" your children something you didn't "know". To my mind, that would be the greatest gift you could offer your child.

    If you teach them to apply logical skeptical thought to whatever beliefs are pushed their way, there isn't even a chance that they will end up joining the JW religion.

  • Justin

    I think "Jews for Jesus" is the name of a specific ministry which evangelizes Jews. The larger movement you'd be interested in is known as Messianic Judaism, and there are plenty of websites you could consult.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango
    Plus, i want my kids to have something other than what my ex is offering (he's still a witness). He's working his butt off to make sure they turn out to be witnesses....and i SO want to offer them an alternative.

    hi there ! i understand your want to provide something "different" for your kids, especially to keep them from becoming witnesses.. BUT does it have to be a religious alternative?? i'm all for kids having choices, that's great.. but do you HAVE to raise them to agree with your personal beliefs?? <-- a sincere question.. i dont have children and i think it would be very difficult and messy to try and -not- instill your beliefs in them. (could be a new topic of discussion )

    (((sixy))), i'm enjoying your comments and thoughts a lot these days!

    (¯`·.¸the agents of oblivion descend upon the sane¸.·´¯)

  • Adonai438


    Jews for Jesus is a ministry by Jewish people that believe in Jesus as the Messiah prophesied about. They are VERY good for information and any help you would need. The greater 'movement' or 'denomination' is Messianic Judaism. They are christian but connect their Jewish heritage, languages, and worship in their faith and services. My husband & I attended a messianic Jewish temple for a while if you have any questions feel free to e-mail me .
    Check out their website if you'd like:
    We are on their mailing list, if you'd like some of their info I think you can sign up for it online.

  • lv4fer

    Just educate your kids about the fallacies of the JW's. As your husband is educating them you show them the real truth. And have a bible study with them yourself ( a real bible study in the bible not with a publication- pick a topic study a little about it and then share it with them. You will learn and so will they.

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