Found a scripture where Jesus is clearly manipulating people

by cptkirk 49 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cptkirk

    it's a scripture that is very well known (at least among witnesses) , relatively well known. it is clearly manipulative, and the irony being that i've seen an elder use it for his own manipulative purposes as a similar circumstance that Jesus used it in. when you look at it again, you may not have seen it this way, but you will now.

    i am not trying to put jesus on trial here, simply trying to point out something that is very obvious, and yet most people probably never stepped back and realized what he was actually doing here.

    it is mark 6. they are stumbling over jesus (spiritually stumbling), so did he say a prayer for their hearts to be opened? or did he realize that they were obstinate and go to the next place, neither. he used a clear manipulation tactic.

    they had pretty much decided that they weren't into what he was up to, and after voicing this he then spoke regarding the prophet not being honored in his hometown, and this apparently allayed them to some extent. just picture that though, i'm getting the feeling you aren't into my preaching, so i'll tell you that a prophet isn't honored in his hometown? oh ok, yea you're right, you're good to go, go ahead.

    and then it clearly even states that he "wondered" about them.....none of this sounds very spiritual to me.

  • kassad84

    no faith.

  • frankiespeakin

    We need to also understand that the jews didn't beleive in avatars or reincarnations of god in the world so they rightly felt Jesus was a trickster who had to be delt with.

    It would be not too dissimilar to our day if someone claimed to be the return of Christ people would rightly be sceptical not the least od which would be religious leaders in the community.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Manipulators are experts at manipulating. The bible gives plenty of opportunity to be used that way.

    And as for prophets in their home towns not being respected. Well, meh...there are plenty that trash that theory.

  • kassad84

    well in that case, they should have at least been more reasonable and look at the works itself, and not on the man. whether or not the deed itself is good or evil. but since they knew him too well-he basically grew up in front of them, it was difficult

  • slimboyfat

    John 15:14, Jesus told his followers they could be his friends if they do what he commands them. You don't get much more blatantly manipulative than that.

  • mP

    Jesus was a Roman stooge. Thats why he constantly tells us to pay taxes and be good obedient slaves via parables and other experiences. Not once does he talk on issues that would be unsettling to the Roman empire, he never condemns slavery, pedophilia or equality for women because his masters would not be happy and he would be upsetting the status quo. Jesus was the perfect antidote for the Romans, he tried to fool the jews of the time, to accept their fate and forget their grand ideas for a Messiah to save them from the Romans. Did he succeed, in a small way he did back then. After that his church became the Roman Catholic Church and its no surprise what their business and motivation turned out to be.

    As always if im wrong, show me a scripture.

  • Larsinger58


  • out4good3


    That is an angle I hadn't considered.

  • tec

    I don't think someone using Christ's words to manipulate a situation or other people reflects on Christ.... rather that it reflects upon the person twisting his words to do thier manipulation.



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