POLL: How long did you remain a JW from point of baptism to leaving the KH

by Terry 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    How about we break it down by male/female as to who has the grip that won't release?

    Somebody here have the patience to sort out what we have by gender?

    Who remains longer the power brokers or those whom they subjugate?

  • kassad84

    5 years

  • MrFreeze

    9 years.

  • Jeffro


    Those born in stay longer.

    Those baptised more recently tend to have a higher... what I'm going to call a 'BS Detection' index, i.e. ratio of years contact with JWs before leaving to years baptised before leaving. (This index does not take into account factors such as social pressure to remain 'in'.)

    The only real trend related to gender seems to be that females are less likely to provide their age on online polls. (Big surprise.)

    Based on the limited available data for females who did provide their age (or for whom their minimum age is calculable), there seems to be a tendency for females to have a slightly better 'BS Detection' index. This may also be influenced by fewer opportunities for congregation 'status' for female members.

  • out4good3

    Baptised in fall of 1989.....

    Outta there by spring of 1991.....

    Resolved to myself never to go back in Spring of 1995.

    Crushed my wife's thinking of me ever going back 2011.

  • donny

    Started attending meetings in Jan 1982.

    Baptized in June 1983

    Disassociated on Sept 30, 1992.

    So I was a member for just over 9 years.

  • ScenicViewer

    From baptism to last meeting attended: 33 yrs

    Pre-baptism meeting attendance: approx 3 yrs

    Total.........................................almost 36 yrs

  • Jeffro

    Red circles indicate where year of baptism was not provided. For these entries, the latest possible contact and baptism years are assumed, based on number of years between baptism and leaving. Any of the entries with red circles may actually belong further to the left.

    Responses with insufficient information are omitted.

    Note the trendline.

  • tec

    I did not make it to baptism. I studied for two years. Decided they were God's organization and made the decision to get baptized. Two weeks later, I withdrew that and stopped my study. This was about 4 years ago.



  • MrFreeze

    For your graph Jeffro, I was baptised in summer of 2002 at 13 years old and left in fall/winter 2010 at 22 years old.

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