Video of 3-4 year child out in service

by usualusername 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    I just stumbled uopn this 79 second video on youtube and find it quite disturbing.

    Is it just me?

  • jw07

    I'm disturbed to the core. Brings back sad memories. Let's document and share this ALL over the place. It should be mirrored as well. Jehovah's Witnesses FORCING toddlers to sell books door to door.

  • Violia
  • usualusername

    I was hoping it was some sort of joke.

  • jgnat

    Well, if it is a "true believer", aren't they teaching their child that this is the most noble calling on earth?

  • AnneB

    I wouldn't worry, that kid already knows he doesn't want to do it. The mom pushing him is going to be his ticket out.

  • ShirleyW

    I think that was just a "photo op" for the mother, that kid sounds like he's three years old, if someone actually answered I'm sure she would've gone to the door and done talking,if not I hope someone calls CPS on her.

  • kjg132

    I did my first presentation when I was 3...with the paradise tract. When I was a young kid, maybe 7? I happened to knock on the door of a newspaper columnist for the local paper and he wrote an article about me (didn't use my name) but I remember my Mom talking about it. He wrote something about the little girl who looked like she would rather be playing barbies or riding her bike than going to the doors of strangers to talk about religion...I wish my Mother would have saved the article. I would like to have it. At the time I didn't feel sorry for myself at all. I was babtized on my iniative at the tender age of 10. I do feel a lttle sorry for that little girl now though...

  • jgnat

    kjg, newspapers are incorrigible pack-rats. They keep pretty good archives, and often donate microfilm or images to the local library. I bet you could get a copy of that newspaper article.

  • jgnat

    Our Wicca neighbours were getting return visits from two little blonde sisters and their grandpa. They didn't have the heart to turn the girls away, and they felt so sorry for them.

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