Is God's Name Yahweh or Jehovah?

by Soldier77 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bella15



    for Christian Belivers ... he is our "FATHER" ... just like you don't call your dad by the first name, same with God Almighty.

    God is not human to have a "personal" name - God described himself but didn't give a "name" in the sense a name it is for us humans. Jesus had a human name JESUS (there were many named Jesus in his time) ... but he alone is the CHRIST .... many gods but only one "I AM"

  • undercover

    My research paper, as it were, back when I was looking into this subject...

  • PSacramento

    IMO, when Moses asked God for His name and God said, I AM THAT I AM, it sounds like a "It's enough that I AM, I don't need no stinkin name" type of answer.

    For a Christian, that Our Lord taught Us to pray to God and call him "Our Father" is more than enough.

    That, when we allow the HS to come into us and we become one with Christ, that we will be able to call Our Father, Abba, that is quite something !

  • pixel

    So, The almighty couldn't protect the pronunciation of his name and has to settle with a made up name? Great!

  • Satanus

    In other words, psac, my name is 'i don't need no stinkin name':)


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    God did not reveal his name to Adam and Eve even before they transgressed all that Adam said when he saw Eve eating the fruit was Oh God!

  • Larsinger58

    I was always impressed that in Hebrew his name means: "He causes to be" or at least that is the closest equivalent in English, right?

  • Larsinger58

    HUGE IRONY: The huge irony of the witnesses is that their mantra is making God's "name" known. But that is not what God was talking about. God wasn't concerned about his actual "name" being made known, as JWs are doing, but his name in the context of his REPUTATION.

    That's when, in the context of God making his "name known" to the Egyptians, which is clearly what he wanted to do, he wasn't talking about his actual personal name. That's why when Moses noted that they didn't know his name, God reluctantly told him. God basically said: "Tell them who I shall prove to be sent you!" In other words, don't worry about my actual NAME, Who I am will be based on what I do in Egypt! So it was always his reputation based on his actions that was the important thing, not his personal name.

    So he didn't go into Egypt and force all the Egyptians to sit down and write YHWH a thousand times so that all would know his "name." No. He wanted to show he is a powerful, living god, who can make the false gods of Egypt look worthless, which is precisely what they were!

    But this is precisely another thing wrong with the WTS. They are so obsessed with the name "JEHOVAH", they don't realize when God says he wants to make his "name known" that it is not that actual name, but his reputation--what he stands for, who is really is!

    So the next question is whether or not JWs know who God really is? The answer is NO! The Bible says if you're at the home of an unbeliever, to eat everything without asking any questions. Does the WTS emphasize that? That means you don't ask about blood either. The Bible says NO FOOD is to be rejected, it is all clean now. That is, Christians have absolutely ZERO dietary restrictions per the Bible. But is that what the witnesses follow? No. They've decided tobacco and blood are to be dietary restrictions for Christians. So do they really know God? No. Do they know his "name" as far as what he stands for? No. They disobey him every chance they get. That's why they are called the "man of lawlessness." So for all the fuss over "Jehovah" is making God's name known, they don't know him. That's why they will be surprised when the WTS is thrown into the lake of fire right along with Christendom just before Armageddon!

    The "Great Day of God the Almighty" is going to be a "bad hair day" for the WTS! Trust me.

  • WTWizard

    The YHVH is simply a corruption of the four elements in the spirit realm. They did this so people could not understand what it stood for, and they would be misled down the wrong path instead.

    More accurate names would include Baghead, Almighty Lowlife Scumbag, joke-hova, and The Ultimate Tyrant. This joke-hova lives up to these far better than anything else and does not deserve anything that even vaguely resembles respect from me.

  • mP

    Actually given that Europeans are a minority in the world, theres more chance that Jesus is a Chinese or Asian Indian.

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