Why is the "Shepherd the Flock of God" book only viewed by Elders?

by I_love_Jeff 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Phizzy

    Yea I know mP, Rabbi Hillel beat him to the Golden Rule too, as did most ancient religions and thinkers, what I was meaning was its wonderful brevity, Christians need nothing more, any breaking of truly Bible principles is covered by that rule.

    The problem for the WT is that they wish to impose much more of a "burden" on their adherents, the burden of not questioning any of their B.S for example, which hardly contravenes the Golden Rule.

    No wonder upon leaving Ray Franz wrote a book "In Search of Christian Freedom", the WT chains are tight and unyielding, and are locked on by the application of their Rule Book.

  • mP

    Phizzy: Rabbis didnt exist until late in the first centiry. Its part of the anachronisms in the gospels.


    Catherine Hezser The social structure of the rabbinic movement in Roman Palestine 1997 -Page 59 "b – Rabbi as an Honorary Address ...Since Jesus was called "Rabbi" but did not conform to the traditional image of post-70 Jewish rabbis, and since pre-70 sages do not bear the title "Rabbi" in the Mishnah,29 most scholars assume that the meaning and usage of the term "Rabbi" at the time of Jesus differed from the meaning which it acquired after the destruction of the Temple: in pre-70 times, "Rabbi" was used as an unofficial honorary address for any person held in high esteem; after 70 it was almost exclusively applied to ordained teachers of the Law.30 The arguments brought forth in support of the first part of the theory, that is a general address, are as follows: "

  • sir82

    The primary reason, IMHO, why "regular" JWs are not permitted to read the book is, they would know exactly how to escape judicial committees without being disfellowshipped.

    Without that knowledge, JWs facing a committee go in "blind" - they are much easier to manipulate and control, and it is less likely that they will "fake" what the elders would consider "genuine repentance".

    The key in that book is the section titled "Signs of genuine repentance" (or something similar).

    There are a series of 8 or 10 questions which give "signs of genuine repentance", stuff like "did the accused confess, or was he caught?" "Has he apologized to wronged parties?" "Has he prayed for forgiveness?" "Is he more concerned about losing his relationship with Jehovah, or more concerned about losing family & friends?"

    A JW who is to face a committee could "study up" on those "signs" and rehearse exactly the answers the elders are looking for. It would be easy to "fake repentance" and then how would the elders know to DF him?

  • alecholmesthedetective

    Seriously, if elders are considered by the Borg to be only 'spiritual shepherds', and not qualified to investigate or evaluate allegations of child abuse on a criminal level, why the hell are they supposed to evaluate the level of repentance of a sinner, especially since they cannot read hearts. No human can.

    The justice systems of the most developed lands is not perfect, and yet they hold hearings where the public can attend, with an attorney/barrister and prosecutor, witnesses, judges, jury, etc. Yet, the elders who have no professional training to serve in those capacities are supposed to reach a decision that represents Jehovah's will. And based on their decision you will be shunned for life by friends and family.

  • Heaven

    Keeping things 'secret' is one method of control.

    And as Big Mama points out, the Shepherd the Flock book ain't so secret... at least for everyone other than the R&F JWs. This book has been made available for download off the Internet by a few people here on JWN.

  • 00DAD

    Nothing quite screams cult like secrecy:

    Outsider vs. Insider doctrine = WT Public vs. WT Study editions

    In JW-land, there are separate teaching for the public and for the members. They often are quite different as has been amply demonstrated time and again on this forum and elsewhere.

    It's interesting how the point of this thread shows that this same principle applies to different levels in the organization:

    Outsider vs. Insider doctrine = WT Study editions vs. STFOG Elders' Manual

    Note this from Steven Hassan's website concerning his BITE model of Mind Control used by destructive cults:

    3. Compartmentalization of information; Outsider vs. Insider doctrines

    a. Information is not freely accessible

    b. Information varies at different levels and missions within

    c. Leadership decides who “needs to know” what

    One of the truly disturbing aspects of the secrecy involving the Judicial process among JWs is that the R&F members are expected to obediently comply with rules and procedures which they could not possibly know.

    This is tantamount to signing a blank check. Of course when someone gets baptized they never expect they are going to end up in a Judicial Hearing. But if and when they do, they will have no idea of what to expect nor can they legitimately learn about it without violating published JW rules, something no one under the spell of WT Mind Control would ever do.

    Think about this. This gives the elders incredibly power and authority over the lives of the congregation members. They are answerable to no one. The appeal process is a joke; it's a One-Time-Only offer that only covers "mistakes" made in the initial hearing. Even then, a JW only has 7 days to ask for an appeal. If and when someone pleads for reinstatement they have no other recourse than asking a Judicial Committee comprised of members of the original congregation.

    I've written extensively about this before. One example is this ironically titled thread:

    Essentially a Judicial Hearing conducted according to WTBTS protocol is a Star Chamber.

    An accused individual is required to appear before numerous judges against his will. He is not allowed any representation or even anyone to accompany him simply for moral support. He is often not told the charges prior to the hearing, nor is he informed what the evidence is against him or who the witnesses will be. He is outnumbered by both his accusers and the judges. No outside, independent observers are allowed to insure that his civil rights are not violated nor are there any formal, public records kept of the judicial proceedings. All sessions are held in secret , with no indictments , and no witnesses .

    He or she stands alone.

    The process is in violation the most basic human rights as recognized by enlightened governments around the world. Various rights associated with a fair trial are explicitly proclaimed in Article 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which reads:

    • Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

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