This week's Oral Review

by Quarterback 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • trujw

    I read the word oral and was going to make a different comment but I guess I was thinking of something else lol. Thats right it is a no no in that cult. I guess they really like to tease the sheeple and rub it in.

  • trujw

    Sisters the overseer wants to give you an oral reveiw in the back room with two other brothers. Oh heavens.

  • WifeyWHisme1970

    Quarters- I am feeling slight confusion due to my own lack of research..I was thinking most everyone on this forum has had terrible, if not life damaging, actions forced upon us for no other reason than our getting tricked or born into the wts. Maybe that's what the friends subheading is for? For "friends" still in? So does that mean that you are suppose to shun me by not responding if you are still in? I was only handcuffed for less than five years, so excuse my ignorance on a rule I might have missed. Really, you can read all these topics and post before walking into that place of suffering for so many of us. I'm not at all talking down, just curious if I've missed your story about maybe you not being able to get out for some reason. My apologies if you are trapped. Any encouragement I can help you with, just pm me! I'm fresh out 3 months ago. Not that everyone else hasn't tried to talk to you, but I'm so upset with Satan for truly blinding the minds of the unbelievers enslaved to a governing body of imperfect men. And real life? Wow, you have a long journey ahead of you and much love to learn.

    Peace be with all the broken hearted ones!

  • eva luna
    eva luna

    LOL trujw

    I had a sweet elderly friend. She would just write oral all in caps, with a red Sharpie, on her Kingdom calender. It hung in her kitchen.

  • Quarterback

    Thanks, Bobcat, I'm going to try that link.

    Thanks Wifey. For willing to help me out. I may just pm you. Right after I get that Oral Review under control.:

    Sophey: I am nuts.

    Koncept: Yes, I hear ya....that's why I don't want to study it this week.

  • Quarterback

    Thanks, Bobcat.

    I'm now good till the end of June.

    I really hated doing all that research in the WT publications.

  • blondie

    So who answers anyway? In the last 3 KHs I went to only 3 sisters every raised their hand. Sometimes only 2 of the 3. It was the most poorly attended meeting, the review.

  • Quarterback

    I hope it gets cancelled due to the Snow storm, Blondie.

  • sir82
    research in the WT publications.

    In the words of Inigo Montoya:

    I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  • Quarterback

    What's this?????

    I feel early signs of a stomach ache.

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