Anti-JW Cult: Why did you enslave yourself to new doctrines without fully investigating their validity first?

by Change Name 29 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mum

    Hi, Change. I would like to clarify a few things.

    I did become a JW. I was a 15-year-old at the time. I don't blame anyone. It just seemed like the thing to do. However, I would not have been exposed to the JW's at all if my dad had not wanted to "Kiss up" to his boss.

    I did want to be a Christian at that young age. I had lived with my grandparents the first ten years of my life, and they were Christians in the true sense of the word, good, hard-working, kind and generous human beings. However, they did not have the slick presentation of the JW's.

    I was a JW for 17 years. For the first five years or so, I was a single JW with no other family members in the borg. It was when I married an elder and became more familiar with the inner workings, the pettiness, the constant infighting, and the downright hypocrisy, that I woke up and smelled the coffee.

    I do not blame anyone for my own choices. I hate the blame game. I do understand, though, that one's environment can influence one to make poor choices. I do not have to obey anyone now.

  • villagegirl

    I was baptized in 1957 - I saw elders protect pedophiles - but thats not even the point -

    Your root FEAR is the fear you will transgress against Jehovah, am I right?

    Lets cut to the chase; The governing body of eight flesh and blood men in New York City, claim to be 'the sole channel of communication between mankind and God himself ' They are in effect your "mediator" Because is some fearful, ('angels fear to tread') , aggrandizement, they have declared themselves to be what only Jesus Christ himself can BE. THINK about this. This is offensive to Jehovah.

    They hide behind Jehovah's name to insult His arrangement.

    They are " Standing in the Holy Place" where only Jesus Christ can stand as the Mediator between God and mankind. They are the ' Man of Lawlessnes' by their own claims to be the 'sole channel of communcation between man and God'

    The claim to be a sole channel of communication between mankind and God, is Blasphemy.

    "Lord, Lord didn't we prophesy in your Name? " applies to the Governing Body, to which Jesus replies,

    "Get away from me you workers of lawlessness, I never knew you at all."

    It applies because they do not represent Jehovah but claim to. and they claim the right of medatition between God and mankind.

    Jesus is the only Mediator between you and Jehovah. You know the scripture, "Call no man your leader, for one is your leader the Christ"

    As for Russell and the Pyramids - I have here in my lbrary books he wrote all about pyramids and calling the Great Pryamid " Jehovah's Wittness in Stone" with detailed charts of the Plan of the Ages and the Wings of Isis ( Egyption Goddess) embossed on the front cover . His books would be considered Occult, they are obtainable in unversity libraries.

  • LisaRose

    The Watchtower says they do not prophesy, but that is just semantics. They make date predictions while at the same time saying they are God's only spirit directed organization. As not one of their many date predictions has come true, I ask you, why I should believe any predictions from a religion that has a 100% failure rate in predictions, including their many statements that "Armageddon is just around the corner" and we are "so close" to the end'?

  • LouBelle

    Dear Change: You said my answer was general and you get so many of those - you never asked for specifics so I gave you an overall answer. I did go through all the doctrines literally one by one and check them off threw diligent study. I don't agree with the JW take on doctrine because none of them can stand up to scrutinity. I'm quite happy to get very specific on any topic / doctrine of your choosing. It really is that simple.

    I freed myself from enslavement to their take on doctrine.

  • wasblind

    How did I let myself get enslaved ?

    long post

    They came to my door claimin' to have the " truth "

    In my bible study they encouraged me to question my own religion

    discouraged research from other sources not approved by the WTS

    because it was all from satan

    Before then, I never had reason to investigate this religion

    because they didn't effect me at all

    Now that I think about it. While I was enjoyin' my youth to the full in the 70's

    I had no idea Witnesses were waitin' on the world to come to an end

    It's wasn't until I became deeper involved that I learned about " Theocartic Warfare "

    The practice to keep the unwary public in the dark until they're brain washed enough to be fed more

    The same thing used on me in my own bible study

    As time went by, they pressured me about my decisions as a parent .

    They tried to take the joy out of the best thing that ever happen to me

    Simple , everyday decisions now became life and death situations

    My daughters well bein' sparked my doubts which caused me to dig deeper without the

    aid of this brain washin' cult. Lookin' deeper into the scriptures without the aid

    of the WTS literature helped solidify my decision to leave

    As my daughter became older they pressured me in cuttin' her worldy associations

    it didn't matter if these were good kids. The fact that they weren't Witnesses was enough

    They Try to talk her out of the prom , Volunteer programs , anything that brought her joy

    they tried to stripp away anything that could make a memorable moment

    They tried to convince us this wasn't the real life . "wait on Jehovah's " Paradise

    It was the most natural thing on earth that saved me from this cult.

    And that was the love I had for my child. A mothers love

    If it wasn't for my daughter . I probably would have become baptised

  • designs

    1995, the 'generation' change, it was very difficult to get any answers to this change. We had a CO visiting us the week that Wt. came out and he couldn't explain it either. It slowly began to sink in that the GB were buying time, and then it came out that this change was really a retro thing, circa 1927, and Rutherford's meddling with Russell's ideas.

  • wasblind

    I know in my heart that parents who converted to this so called religion did not do so

    becuase they wanted to harm their children

    it was done because we thought we were doin' the best for them

    at that time

    And for those of us here. When we learned better we did better

    and got out. As for the grown children still in. Thier decision to stay

    is now on them



    Change name,

    The WTBTS practices revisionist history. They don't make all their literature available to their flock. Why? Please answer this on another thread if you like.

    Point #4 is interesting.

    4 - JW's are false prophets
    Twisted. JW's have never originated prophecies, they've merely tried to interpret PRE-EXISTING prophecies found in the Bible, most with accuracy, some without. From the absolute beginning, even before any so-called 'failures', they've denied being inspired prophets, but only 'prophets' in the sense some Bible verses use, that of proclaiming or preaching, rather than predicting.

    If they are not false prophets, then please explain why they have the scriptural authority to expel someone from the congregation for simply not believing their incorrect interpretations of existing prophecies, or those that are yet to be proven as true or false? Please use the scriptures to do this. You may answer on another post if you like. I am a little confused as to why the GB would take the stance that you cannot be in good standing if you do not totally believe every new interpretation of existing prophecy in the WTBTS publications. Are you aware that it is considered rebellion against God to even privately believe something contrary to current interpretation? Also, please explain which interpretations would fall into the " most with accuracy " category.

    There are some 1980's letter scans, and other WT articles that prove all JW's must believe current interpretations. Just in case you need proof of that statement. I am sure that someone here could dig them up.



  • Londo111

    I am most likely going to repeat the same thoughts as others, but as an individual, I decided to give my personal thoughts.

    (1) I agree that Russell was not a Freemason. But he did believe the Giza pyramid was the “Bible in Stone”. Remember, Russell was the Watchtower Society and had absolute control over the contents of his publication. He did believe that measuring features of the pyramid could predict dates like 1874, 1914, ect… The pyramid teaching did not get changed until 10 years after Russell’s death.

    (2) The Watchtower Society was an NGO of the UN and not for a library card, and they knew upfront they had to subscribe to the UN charter and had to educate others on the UN in the literature. And that is what they did in several issues of the Awake. I remembered those issues and at the time was very puzzled when reading them. The UN says the requirements were not changed.

    (3) I don’t care about Grieber. I’ll give you that one!

    (4) The Watchtower has called Camping’s prediction a false prophesy. And if you read the 1968 Awake, “Is it Later than you Think?” they also called other failed predictions false prophesies. We must hold them to the same standard they hold others. They claim to be the Channel of God, the unique method of communication by which God directs his affairs on earth. There have been many, many failures. This destroys their credibility as that unique Channel. I don’t think individual JWs are false prophets, but the Watchtower leaders are.

    (5) Most JWs I know abhor child abuse. However, there were policies in the past where victims and victim’s love ones were told NOT to report the matter to the Superior Authorities, or faced being disfellowshipped. There is a continual pattern of loyalty to the Institution over individuals, the same pattern that can be found in the Catholic Church, Penn State, the Boy Scouts. The Watchtower has proved no different in their policies.

    Except for the Pyramid (Russell was buried under a Pyramid) and the many false predictions (1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1925, ect…), other concerns weighed heavier on my mind that helped me conclude that the JWs were not the “only true religion”, concerns which I outlined in your other thread.

    I don’t hate JWs—in fact, I love them. My thoughts and prayers are constantly with them. My efforts are always toward helping them. It is the Watchtower paradigm that I am against. Not the people in the Watchtower, but the organization and structure and memes that control those people. I am not anti-JW…I am anti-Watchtower.

    The title of your thread tells me that, forgive me if this sounds harsh, you are only going by the stereotypes that you’ve heard. I don’t believe you understand what a cult is. A cult has a top-down hierarchy. A cult practices BITE mind control as outlined by Steven Hassan and controls behavior, information, thinking and emotions. A cult implements Lifton’s Eight Criteria for Thought Reform.

    Former JWs are not an organization. As a people, they have no structure or leaders. They behave all sorts of ways, take in all sorts of information, think all sorts of things, and have all sorts of emotions. That’s the antithesis of a cult. This forum is simply a forum of individuals from many backgrounds who have directly or indirectly been affected by the Watchtower. They have gone all sorts of different ways in life. They disagree with each other as much as with the Watchtower.

    When I was first awakening to the truth about the ‘truth’, I didn’t accept anything without throughout investigation. I spent months checking, double-checking, triple-checking, and beyond. Eventually I realized that sites like JWFacts were meticulous in presenting truth in regard the Watchtower.

    Sites like thirdwitness are full of logical fallacies and present pure spin.



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