I have a dumb question re: publishing corp...

by new22day 23 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Finkelstein

    The money mostly goes to and stays within the organization itself, the WTS. does not donate to charities

    of any kind, like other religious institutions. The Leaders are more there for personal power and the up lift

    of their own personal stature as recognized figure heads of the organization.

    Well wouldn't you be attracted to god's only personally chosen earthly organization, a world wide Corporation

    with 8 million subservient mental slaves at your feet. Take into account that the GB members don't even have

    a college degree or some not even a high school diploma, its not too hard to see the tangible attraction.

    The GB members are the celebrity super stars of the organization in the minds of all devout JWS.

    Why ? Because thats how they've marketed themselves as such to the open public.

  • new22day

    OK - things are much more clear to me. Thanks all.
    Thank you Clarity. Your analogy was good. (BTW: I'm writing a book. Hoping you guys might buy, print, publish and distribute it for me. I promise I'll save your soul. No really I will. I'm God's channel - we chat everyday. Trust me. ;)

    Leaving_Quietly - thank you for all the information. It was very enlightening and helpful. I read something about the Charitable Planning dept. a long time ago and was disturbed by this although it is not a total uncommon practice.

    All of this leaves me wondering about the motivation of the org. It would be great to say it was monetary, but no one seems to be personally getting rich here. And yet, many are choosing to live in reduced circumstances. Interesting.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Dont forget there were the glory days for the Wt before they went 'free'.

    but even since then, anything they print goes instant 7 million seller.

    the glory days of Knorrs business building and franz's frenzy paid for for most of what they bought or built in property and no doubt the large investments that they have as well.


  • new22day

    And Finkelstein answers the question. So it's just man's ego and lust for power, which at the end of the day always seems to be the ultimate driver of all things bad, and maybe the scariest. Cuz they might really be deluded and belief it. Oh dear God.

    (btw: you can PM me for a copy of my book - it's called "The Bat in the Hat" - I accept donations of $10 a book - lol)
    Thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I could've used search but I appreciate the conversation with all of you smart people.


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