Questions for DFShipped...

by LDH 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pathofthorns


    Good information is found on the matter of voting at this "apostate" site here: [url][/url]

    I hope you forgive me for not being clear when I stated that we do not vote. I should have stated we do not vote for one political party over another.

    You perhaps confuse the matter of the act of voting itself, which is not wrong, with the matter of Christian neutrality. It is well known that Jehovah's Witnesses are politically neutral and do not elevate one political party above another.

    Since voting is not wrong in itself, we are and have been permitted for a long time to go to a polling booth during an election and vote. The articles cited on the listed site above verify this. Because in a polling booth a person is alone, he is expected to make the decision that all "mature christians" will make which is generally to spoil the ballot in some way so that the vote will not count towards any particular party.

    Again, the article is merely reiterating a previous and long-held position, but stating it in a more ambiguous way so that our gaining official status in certain countries is not hindered. The Society can point to this article and say "see our official journal says we do not deny our members the right to vote.

    The Society does not deny you the right to take a whole blood transfusion either, but you revoke your membership as a Witness if you do this. The same goes for voting for a particular party in a political election, the person doing this disassociates himself from the Christian congregation by the act of doing this.

    Generally for the most part, Witnesses know they are not supposed to vote for one political party over another and they know they don't accept blood transfusions. I'm not so sure how you, with all of your education missed this obvious point. Perhaps you could ask your elder father (which we are sick of hearing about) for clarification.

    Just for fun why don't you submit a letter to your local elders stating that you voted in the past election. I'm sure they also would like to "help" you. (lol) Yeah, I'd like to be a fly on the wall at that elder's meeting. "So who'd like to pay Lisa a little shepherding visit? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?" LOL


    (don't get me wrong lisa.. I like you.. just having some fun )

  • LDH

    Path, you wrote:

    ::Generally for the most part, Witnesses know they are not supposed to vote for one political party over another and they know they don't accept blood transfusions. I'm not so sure how you, with all of your education missed this obvious point. Perhaps you could ask your elder father (which we are sick of hearing about) for clarification.

    Just for fun why don't you submit a letter to your local elders stating that you voted in the past election. I'm sure they also would like to "help" you. (lol) Yeah, I'd like to be a fly on the wall at that elder's meeting. "So who'd like to pay Lisa a little shepherding visit? Anyone? Anyone? Anyone?" LOL::

    First of all, who is this 'we' you mentioned? Do you have a frog in your pocket? ;) Or is there some subversive group of "People Who Are Sick of Hearing About Lisa's Father Class?" If so, it appears you have appointed yourself headmaster. Since you have a new vocation, you are neglecting your flock by even being here. Hate to remind you, but anyone who grew up in a household with an elder father KNOWS what I'm talkin' bout.

    Secondly, I don't need to write any note to anyone. I VOTED. I wore the little sticker. I had signs on my front lawn "Vote Yes on Arts to Zoo Initiative". I write using my real name. I live in Fresno, CA. What else do you want?

    ::Because in a polling booth a person is alone, he is expected to make the decision that all "mature christians" will make which is generally to spoil the ballot in some way so that the vote will not count towards any particular party:: I to believe there's just a sh#tload of JWs who went to the polls in Florida, and *they* are the ones responsible for the pregnant Chads?

    And...I won't accept blood while in this country. But If I happen to travel to Bulgaria and get into a car wreck, well that's a different story.

    But thanks for playing, ;)

  • happytobefree


    I would not be one of the "WE". I have very much so enjoyed your post, and being that I'm a daughter of an elder, I definitely understand and relate.

    And I'm also an inactive-JW who was very proud of voting in my first election. When I walked out of the voting booth, I was so over-come with joy. I can say it was a moment right up there with the birth of my children, the marriage of my great husband, the day I realized the JW religion was full of lies and everything vile.

    So keep on doing what your WONDERFUL conscience dictates and not what some forever changing religion wants.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • LDH

    Thank you Happy....


  • Sabrina99


    United Kingdom
    Posts: 14
    Since: Feb 4, 2001 Posted: Feb 4, 2001 3:46:52 PM

    Just drifting slightly, lets say that you are a believer in the Bible. Do you suppose that when Paul said his "quit mixing with bad guys" stuff he was also actually saying "cos if you dont I`m going to send you to Coventry myself"? Surely, Pauls words were well intended enough, but were they not just good general advice, and not meant to be the big deal that witnesses make of them?


    To: Englishman To answer your post, I do not believe one word in the bible. JW's are "CRAZY" end of sentence!

  • waiting

    Hey Sabrina,

    JW's are "CRAZY" end of sentence!

    Pretty much sums it up......


  • Sabrina99

    Does anyone agree?

  • DFshipped

    Ive been away from this board for a while and came back to an epic.
    Thanks for your perspective, I appreciate your comments. Seems like a "true" open minded poster.
    Some others amuse me.
    A while ago someone posted on here and said something to the effect that he was a JW, gave talks and answered but also came and associated here. He asked if people though the was leading a double life. A RESOUNDINg NO was the answer. No can do that if you feel comfortable we are all open and friendly here, he was told. Not a double life at all !!!
    Then Mr DF'd does the same and Lo and Behold ........Criticism from here to eternity !!!! How dare DF'd dare to come here and share his subsersive "DOUBLE LIFE" sentiments.
    What was the difference between df'd and the other person ?
    Makesyou htink doesn't it?
    ( as I said amusing old chap )

  • neyank

    Hello Df'd,
    Welcome back to the board.
    I'm not aware of what your refering to, but as far as I know your free to post your feelings on things.
    Whether others agree with you or not is besides the point.

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