JWgift.org - the UK's Watchtower-sponsored website that "should not be seen as the soliciting of funds in any way"...

by cedars 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • itsyou

    Do they donate $10 per member per week in Britain? Or is my maths wrong?

    What do they donate in America?


  • Bangalore

    Hi Cedars

    Would this be of interest to the Charity Commission?


  • itsyou

    @Bangalore: "Would this be of interest to the Charity Commission?"

    Why, is the Gift Aid Declaration on the website wrongly worded or something???

    I think people kinda presumed the website was called "jwgift' because it is meant to be using the 'Gift Aid' facility they have in Britain - the clue is the word 'Gift' ;)

    But then as I said before, never presume anything....


  • cedars

    Bangalore - Would this be of interest to the Charity Commission?

    Very likely it would be of interest. You may remember we discussed recently about complaints to the Charity Commission, and how even though JWs are one of the most complained-about charities in the UK, they still only mustered 13 actual complaints to the CC over a two-year period.

    Here is the Telegraph article...


    You have to ask, which of those 13 complaints drew attention to this website? Just because a website claims to not be soliciting funds, doesn't mean it isn't - especially when the entire purpose of the website appears to be geared towards that aim. It certainly doesn't offer any spiritual content unless you want to count the link to JW.org.


  • punkofnice

    Contact us.

    What! No email address?

    What happens to the letters once the money is extracted..................................

  • Bangalore

    Thanks Cedars.


  • Phizzy

    I don't quite see that the Charity Comm. would find it unusual for a registered Charity to solicit funds, quite a number of charities do that sort of thing you know.

    As it is not to be seen as them asking for funds in any way, why should anyone donate ? especially JW's , surely they are going against the direction of the WT, who have told them not to view this as asking for funds, if they actually send some ?

  • Bangalore

    Here are some statistics about the site.



  • cedars


    I don't quite see that the Charity Comm. would find it unusual for a registered Charity to solicit funds, quite a number of charities do that sort of thing you know.

    I'm unsure of the complexities of it all, but when I was in the organization I was told by a cong secretary that if we ever asked the public for donations we could lose our charitable status.

    It's worth looking into, preferably by someone with a head for these things.


  • GoneAwol

    This is about bequeathing a will to WT, found under leaflets, the right hand side one, at the bottom of the page.

    'What Should You Do With Your Completed Will?

    Executors do not need to know what the will
    contains until after your death
    , but they do need
    to know where to find the original will.'

    Am I correct in saying that it is up to the will maker to show anyone they want what their will contains? Sounds a bit cloak and dagger? A roundabout way of saying "dont show anyone the will, they might make you change it"

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