A bit of a rant... the selfishness of older generations

by cedars 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • FWFranz

    Hi Cedars

    I do sympathize with your family predicament. Unfortunately, I am sure your parents will never fully let you off the hook. Time will eventually create the great divide that breaks up families. Its a WT specialty. Personally I think the best advice is to come clean with a full admission of all your doubts, new discoveries and reasons for being unable to return to the life of a JW. We know that the facts speak for themselves. If your parents refuse to listen or even consider your present evaluation then so be it. There really is no way to escape this reality, no matter how painful this will be. The WTS does not provide an easy exit. A gradual fade will only cause people to talk behind your back, inventing all kinds of false reasoning for why you left. I think its best to put ALL your cards on the table now. I recall a conversation that I had with Ray Franz and he had to laugh at all the things that people said about him and what motivated him to leave. Ray had a very dry sense of humour and sometimes I wasn't quite sure when he was being funny.

    Years later I was talking with an old annointed brother who began to tell me why Ray Franz had left "the truth". I informed him that I knew Ray personally and had spoken with him at length about these matters. I also informed him that I had purchased both his books and had read them thoroughly. That silenced him pretty quickly. To his credit he sat there and listened while I gave him the facts.

    If you share everything with your family it might provoke a reaction in them. They will immediately realize that your present mindset will necessitate them cutting you off. That will be upsetting for them and maybe, just maybe, they might bend an ear to some of your new found discoveries. I wouldn't challenge faith issues. That will shut them down completely. I realize that your faith has been shattered by your new found knowledge. As you already know there are countless inconsistencies within WT teachings and piles of failed predictions. I would work with those. My stock question to any JW is this. How do you explain the one true end time prophet of God, having all their predictions fail? Not a single prediction came true! Is that the mark of God's end time prophet. To say this is blasphemy!

    Anyway, I wish you strength in this tough predicament. I will remember you in my prayers. I have been in these shoes for quite some time now.


  • DesirousOfChange

    To illustrate: imagine you are given a million dollars, . . . . . .

    Cedars, excellent illustration.

    You used it just as is demonstrated in our Ministry School Guidebook.

    You can now move on to the next point of counsel.


    PS Didn't realize you were so young.

    Got wise at an early age.

  • cedars

    Thanks DesirousofChange.

    Hopefully I picked a sufficiently large sum of money to drive home my point!!

    one million dollars


  • 00DAD


    I feel your pain, I really do.

    I discussed some of these issues here:

    Agents of Reality came knocking on my door today ...

    It won't change the absurdity of the behavior of your relatives, but it might help you understand them.


  • transhuman68

    Heh. I think you have been 'set up'- you are waiting for something which will never come- your parent's approval. For some reason that seems more important to you than you living your own life as you wish. Too late you may discover your parents are nothing- Time is the only Master.

  • besty

    Lets review:

    It's a cult.

  • 00DAD

    besty, you're stealing my line man!

    If you're gonna' quote me, at least get it right:

    Let's review: It's a cult!

    There, now isn't that better.

  • Gopher

    Even if the JW religion were the wonderful truth and the solution to all of life's problems, even then -- it would be selfish for parents to EXPECT their generation to follow in the same path.

    HOWEVER - the JW religion doesn't teach their adherents that it's okay for their children and/or family members to decide differently. Anyone who decides differently is portrayed as a selfish, independent thinker.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Put them out of their misery (or add to it) just come clean that you do not believe and will never come back so they can jolly well like it or lump it.

    Admitedly i have never had to do that in words (mother knows it anyway) but man, how do people live with having to walk on egg shells around family?

    To me, if they wont accept me as i am, then they aint worth calling family. tough.


  • scotoma

    I have been plagued by old people my whole life and I'm 68. It's one thing to have problems with your old parents. It's another thing to have problems relating to your x-hippie/beatnik peers.

    I told my kids if they feel they ever have to put me in a home I would prefer it to be an insane asylum or prison.

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