NEW UN LETTER-Final nail in WT coffin

by messenger 31 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon

    Thanks messenger!

  • Pathofthorns

    The WTS has not disputed what this letter says, so its value is limited to being another piece of 'evidence' for a skeptical Witness. They claim that criteria changed to have continued access to the UN library and felt it was necessary to register as an NGO with DPI to continue to have that access.

    Basically they made a stupid error, but have been less than upfront about it and have sought to downplay and minimize it. All signs of being unrepentant if you were on the recieving end of a judicial committee. They wouldn't hesitate to can JOE Publisher's ass over something like this and they would be all over the Catholic Church if they had done this.


  • Yadirf


    Basically they made a stupid error, but have been less than upfront about it and have sought to downplay and minimize it.
    No they didn't make a stupid error. They outsmarted the world. They're shrewd, not "stupid". Go Watchtower, Go! You people here though never learned that a true Christian doesn't have to accept the idea that their hands must be tied when it comes to dealing with Satan's system of things. I love it when Satan and his friends get their asses beat!

    Go Watchtower go!
    Go Watchtower go!
    Go Watchtower go!



  • JT

    Friday once again has made the mistake that most jw make in defending the wt.

    You see Friday, the wt has done exactly what they have condemned other faiths for doing, hooking up with the UN-

    in fact if you did your homework you would know that the wt often times TELLS it's members like you and NONJW that the identifing mark of a True religion is that it would NOT BE HOOKING UP WITH THE UN

    so while they condemn other faiths and point to it as proof that they are not the correct faith ---they secretly do the same thing''

    considering that the wt has often times used the example of a religion hooking up with the UN as to a MARRIED woman Giving away "Kittty Cat"-

    in fact the wt has called it "Spiritual Fornication or Prostitution" when other faiths hook up wth the UN

    but when they do the exact same thing they want a Pass

    you see Friday I really see why the WT tells you not to engage in forums like this

    you see your post are not just being read by those like myself, but by persons who are studying and just reg NONJW

    each time you post something that clearly contridicts what the wt has stated in it's publications, it provides proof that:

    1. you are uninformed on your own dogma and policies

    2. that the wt is hypocritical in it's teaching

    one set of rules for others and another set for them

    wt reminds me of Jimmy Swaggart who dogged men who went outside of thier marriage- yet at the same time he was getting as much "Coochie" as he could

    same with the wt -- it matters not to me if you see that simple point, ---i could care less since i know that you are a loser and outcast within your own religion,

    I used to try to help bro like you do more than carry the mike, but what you fail to understand because you are so far down the totem pole in wt is how THINGS REALLY WORK

    there are many here who have never had access to the BOE letters that many of us have had, the CO and DO talks and just the general BEHIND THE SCENE things that go on in the org,

    but those folks esp sisters that we see on the site are willing to listen and learn.

    you will always be a loser in the org- it is carved in stone that you will never get beyond mike handling and maybe cutting the grass on sat after service.

    being that is the case you should listen and learn

    I always felt sorry for the way the org treated bro like you

    I recall a GB making the statement once at Bethel that if a man can't be a MS by the time he is 21- he is spiritually weak

    now with the new appointment rules that are in place you can be appointed as young as 17 yrs old,

    so when a man your age, what 30-40-50 yrs old maybe- i don't know how old you are but i'm sure you are over 21 and if you have been baptized more than 1 yr, you can be appointed, yet there ain't no way in He!! your elders would appoint you, cause they veiw you as a loser

    Personlly i don't- cause why would you want to work for Walmart in my view, but you are missing a golden opportunity

    i see often times you post "I have read about all the stuff on the org, but it ain't changed my mind"

    i find that perhaps the saddest part, for a man to see that the bridge is out and then to GUN THE GAS ON HIS CAR
    , but i understand that wt fills a need for you and regardless of whether wt is right or wrong matters little to the believer

    you attitude is "Right or Wrong, my religion"

    that sounds kinda loyal, but the fact of the matter is if you were on a bible study and the person was a baptist and said the exact same thing, you would not have agreed with that view

    once again 2 sets of rules-

    when a jw shows a baptist errors in their dogma you expect them to take notice if they are a lover of rightousness

    yet when one shows a jw errors in their dogma- your response is "SO WHAT"


    I realize that is a difficult concept to grasp for most loyal jw, but i never give up hope

    for me any jw who merely comes here and stays - has actually made leaps and bounds on the road out of wt and don't even know it

    but the mere fact that it is so hard to concede that the wt has 2 sets of rules is very revealing in showing the jw mindset, which is one of DEFEND THE ORG AT ALL COST even if i have to be dishonest to myself and what the facts are in front of me.

    in the last 6 month or so you have made my job so easy
    in helping NONJW to see what thier family or friends are involved in as jw

    So while i would love to see you come to a clear understanding of how wt has failed you and millions. I will accept that you do play a role in at least helping others



  • freeman

    I’m sorry to say this, and I feel a bit uncomfortable agreeing with this person, but Yadirf is quite correct, the Watch Tower did score a touch down here.

    No, not in the eyes of the reasonable, no not in the eyes of the honest, but in the eyes of the hoodwinked, the programmed, i.e. the average Dub. He is the living proof that their strategy works, and works well. As much as I hate to admit it, and as much as I wish it were not so, the Power Of The Tower is awesome in this respect. And in this case, there is no doubt about it at all, the Tower is victor.

    Yadirf represents the mindset of your average Dub, and your average Dub will likely react the same way. Yes a true Dub will defend the organization at all costs, including the necessity of losing any sense of integrity and reason as our friend Yadirf so admirably demonstrates for us here.

    I wish to thank you Yadirf for your comments, please keep posting, we want the world to see what a true loyal Dub is all about. Regrettably, we can’t save you, but perhaps your posts could help save others before it is to late for them.


  • JT

    I wish to thank you Yadirf for your comments, please keep posting, we want the world to see what a true loyal Dub is all about. Regrettably, we can’t save you, but perhaps your posts could help save others before it is to late for them.



    , great post and your point is on time- i have reached a point in my life where i have come to realize the folly of arguing with a fool.

    but you are so right to the programmed - they only respond to how the software is programmed,

    like i have mentioned so many times we could not make up stuff as good as a loyal jw can come up with in showing the sheer level of complete mindcontrol OF THE wt on its members.

    the wt was on the money in stating "Independant thinking is to be avoided"

    and we see the constant proof each time a jw post

    great followup


    Just remember:

    Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then they will beat you with experience

    Author Unknown

  • Dino

    What is it that rule a news reporter lives by?

    Something like, "People lie, but memos always tell the truth."

    Thanks messenger.

  • JBean

    I am anxiously awaiting a scan/link to this letter. Then I will show it to my folks, whose response will likely be: "Well... this is disappointing, but it IS Jehovah's organization and we'll just wait for him to straighten it all out." YUKKKKKKK!

  • Satanus

    Friday demonstrates once again, how blind devotion stops reasoning ability. Blind devotion to an idea, org or person wins over truth and facts. Friday ranks among the best idol worshippers such as the natzis, the catholic inquisitors or crusaders.


  • anewperson

    So-called "Free" Man, WTS scored nothing. You claim most JWs totally accept the WTS claim about liason with the UN just to have a library card even though there is a collaborating Awake magazine full of pro-UN articles, and the surfed internet shows them using that liason to be on UN Human Rights Committes. When given the website addresses with that Awake which most JWs have in their personal libraries, many JWs do in fact see through the hypocrisy. I know because I've seen it happen personally. Others have to, as with the guy from a Spanish country where he and several elders have quit the WTS. You on the other hand make a false assumption or statement which would have the effect of dampening our usage of this and other evidences. It's a big matter to many JWs knowing the top leadership sold out to the UN. Also their typing all sin-file records into a database that can be easily transferred to the UN down the street or the like sews much distrust of Henschel and company. Are you a naturally negative, depressed guy or what?

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