Did the Watchtower publishing organization intensionally leverage and exploit the belief in the bible to proliferate its published goods ?

by Finkelstein 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Its always been about what the WTS. sees in the bible and the interpretation of what the organization supposedly sees.

    We see the end of the world as we know it to end soon.

    Its all in the bible so the information we provide is trust worthy.

    Want to learn more ? get are next issue or better still buy an yearly subscription to one or both of are magazines.

    Want to learn how to make it through Armageddon, read are literature and will guide you appropriately.

    Remember we are the only organization that god himself has chosen, so if you want to learn to survive the day of judgment,

    do yourself a personal favor by joining are organization, there's little time left in this worldly system of things..

  • Satanus

    I agree. Afterall, if a good, modern bible translation was enough, they wouldn't need to publish anything, ie, would disappear.


  • Finkelstein

    Unfortunately people who start studying with the WTS. and one of its sales representatives, is that they are deceivingly marketed

    under a devised calculating marketing scheme, somewhat anchored upon the bible.

    Logically if god was really using this organization to correctly interpret the bible, there wouldn't be so many false teachings

    by the WTS. and the JWS.

  • Finkelstein

    The real corruption of this religious organization is framed within its own self forwarding commercialization of its products.

    As an example, where would the WTS. be without Armageddon coming soon, such as the picture of an atomic bomb going off on the front cover

    of a recent Watchtower magazine. FEAR sells, FEAR attracts attention, FEAR is good for a publishing organization to exploit and utilize.

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