Daniel was confused.

by transhuman68 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Gopher

    Londo -

    I think they invented the "overlapping generation" doctrine to keep 1914 going. As you mention, 1919 is integral to the WT Society's supposed authority as Don Cameron has pointed out in "Captives of a Concept".

    They have let a lot of other formerly crucial dates drop, like 1799, 1814, 1925, 1975, and "before the end of the 20th century". They even let go of the supposed connection between 6,000 years of mankind's history (according to their chronology) and the nearness of Armageddon.

    But 1914 is dyed into their wool, at least for now.

  • Londo111

    You could be right.

    I remember when the Sheep and the Goats teaching changed…Jesus has been Present since 1914, but will arrive as judge during the Tribulation to separate the Sheep and Goats. How can you be present, then arrive? A reverse tachyon pulse?

    Now, they teach that the Slave gets appointed over the Belongings, along with the rest of the non-Slave 144000, as the arrival of Jesus during the Great Tribulation.

    Two arrivals just doesn’t make much sense. It would seem like at some point they would drop one.

  • Gopher

    Two arrivals just doesn’t make much sense

    Oh you of little faith! He "comes" in two senses - the first sense as the meek-and-mild king who directs the organization and the preaching work, and then later he comes (even though he's already present) in the second sense as kick-ass Jesus who clears out all enemies of the Watchtower organization and clears the way for the Watchtower leaders to act as ruler over a post-apocalyptic paradise earth!

    It's all clearly (cough) explained in the "Revelation - Its Climax in your hand" book.

    Revelation Its Grand Climax at Hand!

  • Gopher
    the arrival of Jesus during the Great Tribulation

    That reminds me, the Watchtower formerly taught that the Great Tribulation started at the beginning of the end times in 1914 and would continue all the way through Armageddon. Franz later changed that teaching to push it into the future, just like they have pushed the judging of sheep and goats into the future, and now the awarding of Belongings into the future.

  • Fed-up

    Ding: "It reminds me of the claim in The Finished Mystery (1918 WT book) that a particular number in Revelation represented the distance from Scranton, Pennsylvania to WT headquarters in New York by way of the Hoboken ferry..."

    Awesome. It makes you wonder just how dim "new light" really is. The best part, even when it's that stupid and obviously flawed true believers MUST believe, or be punished. Now, would the distance travelled on the ferry need a nautical conversion?

    In the Land of the Blind the One Eyed man is King... OPEN YOUR EYES.

  • glenster

    Scientists say they may be able to determine the eventual fate of the cosmos
    as they probe the properties of the Higgs boson.

    A concept known as vacuum instability could result, billions of years from
    now, in a new universe opening up in the present one and replacing it.

    It all depends on some precise numbers related to the Higgs that researchers
    are currently trying to pin down.

    Hints of the particle were first seen at the Large Hadron Collider last year.

    Associated with an energy field that pervades all space, the boson helps
    explain the existence of mass in the cosmos. In other words, it underpins the
    workings of all the matter we see around us.

    Since detecting the particle in their accelerator experiments, researchers at
    the Geneva lab and at related institutions around the world have begun to
    theorise on the Higgs' implications for physics.

    One idea that it throws up is the possibility of a cyclical universe, in which
    every so often all of space is renewed.

    "It turns out there's a calculation you can do in our Standard Model of
    particle physics, once you know the mass of the Higgs boson," explained Dr
    Joseph Lykken.

    “This bubble will then expand, basically at the speed of light, and sweep
    everything before it” Dr Joseph Lykken

    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

    "If you use all the physics we know now, and you do this straightforward
    calculation - it's bad news.

    "What happens is you get just a quantum fluctuation that makes a tiny bubble
    of the vacuum the Universe really wants to be in. And because it's a lower-
    energy state, this bubble will then expand, basically at the speed of light, and
    sweep everything before it," the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
    theoretician told BBC News.

    It was not something we need worry about, he said. The Sun and the Earth will
    be long gone by this time.

  • Phizzy

    Just looking back over the O.P and I remebered there was a Watchtower that dealt with htis stuff in the 1980's , the 1290 days etc etc

    After we had studied it I presented the elders with questions about the start and finish dates of these periods. What happened on these dates that makes them eligible for fulfillment of a prophecy written long before Jesus ?

    What happened in Dec 1914 for instance ? I remember another period finished on the date a WT was published Oct 15th, recording one of those Resolutions, but of course the Resolution had been taken long befroe this WT hit the streets.

    I really should have woken up and walked away then, I got not one satisfactory answer from any of the Elders. What a numb-nuts I was !

    These latest ones strike me as just as ludicrous as Rutherford's early loony stuff that was repeated in 1958, I haven't checked the dates , but I bet nothing actually happened on those latest start and finish days.

    Unless you count a WT with one or other cover date and an Awake with one or other cover date as being likely fulfilment of a Bible prophecy.

    What utter bulls**t, and they call that spiritual food ?

  • Londo111


    Not understanding how this connects to the discussion, but I love physics. I t is my understanding though that the Higgs field only enhances the mass of certain particles, it does not itself create mass. It certainly gives rise to mass for the W and Z particles, thus keeping the weak force short range, but particles like quarks and electrons would have mass anyway.

  • Londo111


    Of course, it’s no surprise to you or me now.

    But hopefully any who MIGHT be inclined to go to the elders for their questions: take note! Elders are glorified, when they’ve no credentials. They’ve little time to do real study, and their job is to enforce the status quo by any means necessary.

  • glenster

    You're all wrong. Some can recite the Bible forward or backward, but you get
    a special prediction if you interpret it backward (it's like backmasking excdpt
    with the Bible):

    In the beginning, there was fire poured from above and a lake of fire--that
    was the creation of the Earth.
    God ejected everyone from Heaven.
    Then they created religion as law of the land, such as in Israel, then Rome,
    then Iran.
    God disassociated Himself from the people on Earth.
    Around the time they tried reaching for the heavens with towering spacecraft,
    God saw them cover the Earth with pollution, even above the tops of the
    Now God even felt cruel about people and their waves of climate change
    destroying the Earth and all life on it and saw he needed to preserve His
    reputation with the rest of the cosmos.
    (Notice: in my version you get a literal ark is--by this time, there are so
    few animals they can all fit on a boat.)
    People believed in snakes who misrepresented the tree of knowledge till no
    one knew there was one or where their own sex parts were.
    Then all the people were dead, then the animals were all dead, then the
    plants were all dead, then the Earth was destroyed.
    Then God and all the angelic people on the exoplanets in the heavens lived
    happily ever after.
    The end.

    Granted, it's grim for people at the end, but a lot of reviewers don't like it
    when you tie everything up with a happy ending. This is a critically acclaimed,
    well-reviewed prediction that has at least a much a chance of coming true as any
    I've heard.


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