i went to the memorial

by josephus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    it was great.

    me and my freinds + brother stood at the back with our dffd freind talking, smiling and laughing at the po.

    we then went to the pub, and go drunk.



  • hybridous

    Ya, I found myself there, as well...

    A question for those in the know...does the WT Society dictate outline changes in the the memorial talk from year to year?

    The reason I ask is this: I went last year as well, and last year's memorial talk actually impressed the hell outta me. If the WT Society wanted to mainstream the talk and make the JW religion friendlier and less cultish to outsiders, last year's talk was a winner. It was quite simple, it focused on the main points of mankind's sin from Adam, and Christ's sacrifice for redemption.

    This year, the talk was a train-wreck. The elder stumbled around the blurry concepts of 2 class Christianity and faith vs works. It was not the simple and friendly message I heard last year. It was NOT the pretty talk to give on the night that members of the general public are likely there. Perhaps the difference was due to the fact that different elders gave these two talks. If that's true, I can accept that - it just seems that there's something more to it, so I was wondering if the WT Society tells the congregations which topics to stress from year to year. Can somebody tell me?

  • FreePeace

    Damn! I missed the Memorial! Oh well, Survivor was surely much better!

    "The World is my country, and to do good, my religion." --Thomas Paine
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  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Maybe that elder was speaking with a little less conviction this year. Crisis on stage.

  • Rags

    Hey Josephus..cool..but i dont understand why you went...if your in the back making fun of it all...forgive my ignorance..i just dont get it. According to the bible we should be doing this..not the way the JW's have it..they dont even drink or eat the bread..they just pass it..anyway..i was just curious as to why you would go through the trouble of going and then standing at the back laughing at the po..i woulda rather stayed home and drank my bottle of wine and get drunk or something..lol...

  • plmkrzy

    My first missed in a long time

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • RR

    I haven't been to one in ten years

  • david_10

    Is it just me,or does anyone else see something wrong with going into a place of worship where people are gathered for their most solemn and important occasion, and showing such rude and callous behavior. I'm certainly no fan of the Society or the Organization and I haven't been to a Memorial in maybe 10 years, but I would never go just to be a boor and cause disruption.

    Maybe it's just me.......


    PS Just read Rags comment----maybe it's not just me.

  • rhett
    According to the bible we should................

    Ah, such a wonderful book to take advice and base your life on!

    Personally, I thought this was hilarious. I would have liked to have done something like this but for various reasons I don't think going to the memorial this year would have been the best idea for me.

    Back down the bullies to the back of the bus
    Its time for them to be scared of us

  • RedhorseWoman

    Josephus, I have to agree with those who just don't understand why you went. Laughing and talking through the Memorial talk certainly does nothing to encourage those still "in" to want to examine their beliefs. All it does is prove to them that those who have left are not worthy of their consideration.

    I was invited to go tonight, but I don't think that I could have sat through the talk without getting the urge to speak up and tell them exactly what I thought of the whole thing. Therefore, I declined the invitation. Tonight is not the night for rudeness.

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