Any suggestions?

by happytobefree 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • happytobefree

    After reading the posts in Parenting re: spanking and the WOL thread, it made me ask: Is there anything we can do as an individual or group to stop the abuses of the WTBS?

    I know I personally take any Watchtower or Awake articles I see placed in places (laudromats, hospitals, etc.) and discard them. And I have helped a few disfellowshipped, displaced young witnesses with housing, signing up for college, or any resource I know that will help them to heal. But some how I feel I should be doing more.

    I don't want to become a fanatical - even though I have spoken about my JW experience at a local church I attended.

    Or should I, just keep quiet and let things workout as they will. I did like mommy's post regarding her mother being happy with her JW choice.

    So if you have any suggestions.

    Happy to be Free (me)

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I don't think it is our responsiblity unless called upon in some way. I would compare actively trying to change JW's to their proselitizing (sp.?)
    But if we can help in any way, i.e. like you helping displaced ones. Or if they specifically ask questions, I say go for it. And I see nothing wrong with telling non JW's of our experience. So that they don't fall into the same trap.

  • mommy

    Hey happy:)
    When I first left the org. I used to do the same thing, any w or a I would see would find it's way to the garbage can. I would get this really bad feeling of a need to destroy. I never answered the door if they came to the house. I figured it would be a hardship for them to come back for not at homes. Then years past and my heart changed. One of the biggest reasons I left the org., was their view on the whole world dying except them. And my feelings on it were , there are too many good people out there to just die because they have the wrong religion.
    The lightbulb went on.... The people in the org. are good people too. And it is not their fault(so to speak) I guess it just a matter of recognizing humanity, and ascepting others at the level they can provide. Not a level we expect from them. It took me a long time to come to this place, believe me! And I still falter. But there is a peace you feel when you do. Hatred, dislike, and disgust even, cause us more pain than the person we feel it upon.
    I do feel there is a lot you can do for those still in the org, on a personal level. It seems like you have done this and it is a great thing:)

  • Frenchy
    Hatred, dislike, and disgust even, cause us more pain than the person we feel it upon.--wendy

    Amen, Sis.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • happytobefree

    I by no means meant to suggest a hate crusade. I feel no malice toward any JW, because I know they think they are doing what is right. I was once one, and really thought it was a Nirvana.

    But I do feel the non-JW should know the whole truth about this organization. Because I'm sure many would never have considered becoming a JW, if they had known what the WTBS was REALLY teaching.

    This gentleman I use to work with was instrumental in showing me what I was really believing and who I was really serving. He was very kind, but when he would show me from the bible using the NWT with a Hebrew/Greek bible dictionary to disprove the JW teaching, my heart would start beating faster, breathing harder. I'm laughing now, but I really thought he was putting demons on me. I was always praying for this guy, because I wanted Jehovah to save him. And he later told me he was doing the same for me. My point of this is - I feel his ministry has saved not only me, but my immediate family and 3 bible studies (or book studies)that I had at the time. I never committed or join his church or have taken in the concept of chriantianity (I don't consider myself a christian), but because of our discussions - I now consider myself a loving human being who is

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • larc


    I would suggest that you call 1-800-why-1914. They have good literature and good counselors to help people on the phone. You could put an ad in your local paper telling about them. They would live you good advice on what kind of ad works best. This could help those who have questions, but not effect those who are content, because they wouldn't respond. I assume that you could put the address of this forum, but you might want to check with Simon first.

  • DFshipped

    You mention that you attend a church. That being the case I hope I am right in assuming you believe in the bibles direction, so here are some suggestions :
    The bible says : Treat others as you would have them treat you.
    Follow your heart in helpng those you think need help.
    You would hate your good intentions to be interfered with, so dont throw magazines left by Witnesses who have done so with good intentions, into the garbage.
    The bible also instructs us to Preach the good news of the Kingdom, so your assistance in helping kids get to college or find a home is good, but dont underestimate the value of teaching them the truth about Gods Kingdom and encourage them to hope in it.

    The Bible also says

  • trevor

    Despite being witness my parents treated me very badly. Many in the congregation had an idea of this, from the way my father (an elder) would regularly drag me out to the cloakroom for a thrashing which could be heard by all.

    The point I wanted to make was that many of these brothers were wonderful people who encouraged and helped me to to survive. They became my family and on some occasions even confronted my father over his behaviour. I have some very moving memories of the love and kindness these brothers and sisters showed to me. I never had any quarrel with the members in the various congregations I was in and loved them until the day I left.

    My sole reason for leaving was that I realized it was not the truth and could not live a lie.


  • RedhorseWoman

    I've found that simply telling the truth about the "truth" if the opportunity presents itself has had positive effects in both helping some out of the spider's web and also in preventing some from being enmeshed.

    Likewise, my experiences in the JW's have helped me to recognize other cultlike groups and to warn those who might be considering getting involved.

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